What Is Hoshanah Rabbah? Does It Have A Connection With The War Of Gog uMagog?

On Rosh Hashanah our Judgement is Written in the Heavenly Book,
then on Yom Kippur that Highest Judicial Decision is Sealed,
and on Hoshanah Rabbah the Verdict is Implemented

Hoshanah Rabbah, the last day of the Sukkot Festival, is the day when the most prayers for Redemption are recited.

Chabad.org: These prayers for Redemption are referred to as Hoshanot because each stanza of the prayer is accompanied by the word Hoshanah — a combination form of the words hosha and nah (bring us salvation, please).

On the first six days of the Festival, the Bimah is circled once. On Hoshana Rabbah, the last day of the Festival, seven circles are made. This custom commemorates the service in the Bet ha-Mikdash during which the kohanim would circle the Altar once daily and seven times on Hoshana Rabbah.

Hoshana Rabbah is the last day on which we fulfill the Mitzvot of the Four Species and dwelling in the Sukkah …. The day is referred to as Hoshana Rabbah (literally, The Great Hoshanah) because more Hoshanah prayers are recited on this day than on the other days.

Jewish Virtual Library:  “In the period of the geonim, the celebration of Hoshanah Rabba acquired considerable solemnity and religious-mystic significance. In Jerusalem a large gathering took place on the Mount of Olives which was circled seven times; official announcements (such as fixing the coming year) were proclaimed; philanthropists and communities received blessings; and public excommunications were issued. The piyyut of Hoshana Rabba which opens with the words, “the Power of Thy Salvation cometh,” which deals with the splitting open of the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4) and the resurrection of the dead, probably has its origin in this ceremony.”

Hoshanah Rabbah occurs on the 21st day of Tishrei and corresponds to the 21st of Nissan when Israel was saved and her enemies were vanquished at the splitting of the Reed Sea. Both dates are exactly six months apart.  The first Redemption took place on the 21st day of Nissan, and the last Redemption shall take place on the 21st day of Tisrei.  HaShem has a fine taste for mathematical parallelisms in history.

Will Hoshanah Rabbah 5773 be the day that Israel is saved and her enemies vanquished at the splitting of the Mount of Olives?  It could be; and if it is not this year, it shall be one another year soon.

Rav Fish (Sod Hachashmal) on Gog uMagog

…It is written (Zechariah 14:2) that during the Gog U’Magog war there will be an earthquake on Har Hazeitim (Mount of Olives) in Yerushalayim, and there shall be the victory upon Gog U’Magog. Based on what we explained, that this will be on Hoshana Rabba, we understand the “Sefer Chassidim” which says: “Rav Hai Gaon used to go to Yerushalayim from Bavel every year on Succot, and surrounded Har Hazeitim seven times every Hoshana Rabba. Many of the special Tefilot we recite on Hoshana Rabba are concerning the Geula, such as: .תִּתְּנֵנוּ לְשֵׁם וְלִתְהִלָּה וְכוּ’. קוֹל מְבַשֵּׂר מְבַשֵּׂר וְאוֹמֵר

The Arizal writes (Likutei Torah, Sh’mot) the words Gog U’Magog equal 70, compared to the seventy nations. Gog U’Magog shall control all of the 70 nations, and they will all gather against Yisrael. When Am Yisrael will be redeemed, it shall be “Hoshana Rabba” (A Great Salvation). The verse (Tehillim 27:5)  “He shall hide me in the Succah on the Bad Day” is the same letters as “Arava Day” (refers to Hoshana Rabba): “כִּי יִצְפְּנֵנִי בְּסֻכֹּה בְּיוֹם רָעָה”, אוֹתִיּוֹת יוֹם עֲרָבָה

And then, there is this: Signs Sha’at Ratzon: Time of Will Sukkot 5773


Source: PalmTreeOfDeborah

White House Irked By Netanyahu’s “Red Line” Speech, Reverts To Iran Diplomacy

America Continues to Provoke the Wrath of G-d

In the Midst of an Arrogance Attack Obama and Clinton

Let See their Genocidal Intention Toward Israel

The Muslim in Chief in the Wite House is Very Mad at Netanyahu
for Daring to Defend the Right of Israel to Fight for her Survival
in Front of the Evident Conspiracy existent between Obama and Iran


The Islamic Usurper

The Islamic Usurper Dictates to Israel

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton berated Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for the powerful presentation of his case for confronting Iran with Red Lines — instead of the thus far failed American diplomacy and weak sanctions — in his speech to the UN General Assembly Thursday, Sept. 27.

Neither of them released a statement from their conversation of an hour and a quarter one-on-one shortly after the irrefutable speech. Clinton made it clear that the arrogant Muslim Kenyan usurper of the White House Barack Obama would not tolerate the Israeli prime minister having a say in his Iran agenda.

Of course, what these two filthy mongrels (Obama and Clinton) forgot is that Mr. Netanyahu is the democratically-elected leader of a sovereign and totally  independent nation (yes, despite de wet dreams of many self-important Americans); and therefore it is Netanyahu — and no other! much less them — has the greatest saying in what concerns the national survival of israel.  In Israel we all have their number, and will not stand by their vain American imperial arrogance.

Muslim Obama — committed as he is to supporting the Islamic dream of world conquest and the destruction of Israel — assured that he would remain stuck to diplomacy regardless of Netanyahu’s warning that it was getting “late, very late” to stop a nuclear Iran.  Clinton accordingly announced a decision by “the world powers” to go into another round of nuclear negotiations with Iran, although after the breakdown of diplomacy in July, they expected an improved Iranian offer.

These so-called “world powers,” who speak so grandiloquently about freedom and democracy, have abrogated themselves the position of deciders of the course of history for all humanity, something that only belongs to G-d Almighty, B”H.  It will be lovely to see what will happen to them pretty soon.

Notorious anti-Semite EU foreign executive Catherine Ashton was directed to get in touch with Iran’s nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalilee for another attempt to set up talks, although when the two officials met in Istanbul on Sept. 18, they made no headway.

US steps early Friday Sept. 28 put the clock back five days to Monday when Obama dismissed Netanyahu’s advocacy of agreed Red Lines for warning Iran off its nuclear bomb program as “background noises” which he systematically blocked. This reversal came after White House and Israeli officials had begun discussing moving the critical timeline for that program to late spring, early summer 2013, instead of this year.

Addressing the UN General Assembly Thursday, Sept. 27  Israel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu graphically depicted Israel’s Red Line for Iran. He held up a simple diagram showing that Iran had covered 70 percent of the distance to a nuclear bomb and must be stopped before it reached the critical stage next spring or early summer of 2013. He stressed that it is getting late, very late to stop a nuclear Iran. The best way, he said, is to lay down a clear Red Line on the most vulnerable element of its nuclear program: uranium enrichment. “I believe that if faced with a clear and credible red line, Iran will back down and may even disband its program,” he said.

Red Lines prevent wars, don’t start them and in fact deterred Iran from blocking the Strait of Hormuz. Israel and the US are in discussion over this issue, said Netanyahu. “I’m sure we can forge a way forward together.” He went on to accuse Iran of spreading terrorist networks in two dozen countries and turning Lebanon and Gaza into terror strongholds.

Hoping a nuclear-armed Iran will bring stability is like hoping a nuclear al Qaeda will bring world peace, the prime minister remarked. Some Washington sources are disclosing that the White House and Israel emissaries have come to an understanding that Israel will hold back from attacking Iran’s nuclear sites before the US election in November, while a special team set up by Usurper Obama completes a new paper setting out the end game for Iran. He put the team to work after concluding that negotiations with Iran had exhausted their usefulness. Gary Samore, top presidential adviser on nuclear proliferation, leads the team.

Netanyahu’s citing of late spring, early summer 2013, as the critical point on Iran’s path to a nuclear bomb appears to confirm that he has agreed to delay military action against Iran following negotiations with the White House on the next agreed steps. The prime minister was represented in those talks by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and National Security Adviser Yakov Amidror.

According to another view, which is current in Washington’s intelligence community, Israel was finally persuaded to delay by fresh intelligence [ most probably contrived ] presented by the Obama administration which showed that Israeli estimates were overly pessimistic in judging the timeline for Iran’s nuclear facilities to be buried in “immunity zones.” That timeline extended to spring 2013, leaving Israel five to six months up to April-May for ordering a military operation against those sites. However, we have learned that Israeli intelligence circles dispute their American colleagues’ estimate as “interesting” but inaccurate.  Netanyahu, in his speech, confirmed that Washington and Jerusalem were constantly exchanging views and evaluations on the state of Iran’s nuclear program. He also made the point that while intelligence services, American and Israeli alike, had remarkable aptitudes, their estimates on Iran were not foolproof. He was referring to the Pentagon dubious claim that when Iran was ready to build a bomb, American intelligence would know about it in good time.  But that does not mean that they will share the truth with Israel.

Trusting America has proven suicidal for many nations, among them Cuba where I was born, but also the prosperous pre-Ayatollah Iran, Nicaragua, and many others.  Bigoted America is only trustworthy for England, France and Germany; the rest should better be very careful.  Israel does not need America.  Reality is opposite to that:  America needs Israel, and HaShem will soon validate such a truism.


Source: DebkaFile

Jordan On The Brink — Muslim Brotherhood Mobilize For King Abdullah’s Overthrow

An Agressive Islamic Stronghold Tightens on Israel

King of Jordan Under An Ultimatum


The Clown of Jordan

Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood has given King Abdullah II notice that he has until October to bow to their demand to transform the Hashemite Kingdom into a constitutional monarchy or face Arab Spring street pressure for his abdication. debkafile’s Middle East sources report that Israeli and Saudi intelligence watchers are becoming increasingly concerned about the approaching climax of the conflict in Amman between Islamists and the throne.

For Israel, an upheaval in Jordan bodes the tightening of the Islamist noose around its borders – Egypt and Libya to the south and Syria to the north, with unpredictable consequences with regard to Jordan’s Palestinian population. Saudi Arabia, already threatened by Iranian aggression, fears the oil kingdom may be next in line if its northern neighbor is crushed under the marching feet of the “Arab Spring.” The oil kingdom’s royal rulers are reported to have belatedly woken up to the peril and are in a panic. They realize that their preoccupation with helping Syrian rebels overthrow Bashar Assad misdirected their attention from the enemies lurking at their own door. Thousands of articles in the Arab press in the past year have predicted that after the Muslim Brotherhood seizes power in Damascus, Amman would be next in its sights followed by Riyadh. The latest Debka-Net-Weeklyof Sept. 21 analyzed the plight closing in on the Jordanian monarch and outlined three of his options:

  1. He could bow to the main Muslim Brotherhood’s demand by submitting to the kingdom’s transition to a constitutional monarchy and the transfer of executive power to an MB-led government by means of the electoral reforms for which the Brothers have been pushing for years. In Jordan as in Egypt, the Brothers hope for a two-third majority in a free election.
  2. He could stand up to the Brotherhood’s demands and order his security, intelligence and military forces to crack down on the opposition. This course carries the risk of plunging Jordan into the carnage of civil war among the diverse segments of the population. The biggest dangers come from the Bedouin tribes, whose traditional allegiance to the Hashemite throne has weakened in recent years, and the Palestinians who form 60 percent of the population.
  3. He could seek to negotiate a compromise through various brokers. Our sources report that several attempts at mediation have been ventured of late, but got nowhere because the Muslim Brotherhood sent its most radical leaders to the table and they left very little margin for compromise. According to sources at the royal court, Abdullah will very soon meet with MB leaders for a personal appeal for calm after years of heated debate. Most observers believe that he has left it too late and by now the Muslim Brotherhood has got the bit between its teeth. Indeed, according to an internal memorandum leaked to the Al-Hayat newspaper, the MB has already set a date for mass demonstrations against the King to start on Oct. 10 and ordered its members to go to work at once to mobilize at least 50,000 demonstrators for daily protests against the king and the royal family until he bows to their will.

The memorandum states: “Every member must be dedicated to communicate with his relatives, close friends, acquaintances, fellow employees and various Islamic groups and patriots…” It calls for the formation of “hotbeds to… focus on the participation of groups affiliated with universities, schools and women’s organizations.” Protesters are also advised on tactics for overcoming a security crackdown. Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood has therefore moved forward from opposition propaganda, debating and political pressure to activism against the throne. Both Jordanian camps are anxiously watching to see which way the wind blows in the White House.

Barack Obama has a balancing act to resolve:  On the one hand, the Jordanian king has long been a staunch American ally and friend, its mainstay in many regional crises. On the other, Obama regards the Muslim Brotherhood as the linchpin of his external policy of outreach to the Muslim world.  But since Muslim Obama does not care at all about the allies of the US, and since he is working in coordination with the Muslim Brotherhood, it is easy where he will lean with all the American weight at his disposal.  After all this is almost the conclusion of his most cherished Islamic dream: strangling Israel before an all our Jihadist attack.

Hamas Signs A Binding Military Commitment To An Iran-Led War On Israel

The Islamic Stranglehold on Israel Tightens

All the Current Moves Indicate an Imminent Major War

The International Community Sees All the Moves Toward War in Absolute Silence
in Hope that Israel Will Be Finally Annihilated From the Face of the Earth
But Hear then Scream in Protest When Israel Starts Defeating
the Genocidal Barbarians from Islam.
The Clock is Ticking toward WW3


Muslim Barbarians of Hamas

Clearly Islam is a a Cult of Violence

Hamas leader Mahmoud A-Zahar and deputy commander of its military arm, Marwan Issa, spent the second week of September in Beirut and Tehran finalizing and signing protocols covering a binding commitment by the radical Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip to join Iran, Syria and Hizballah in a war agaisnt Israel, debkafile’s exclusive military sources disclose.

The protocols set out in detail the circumstances, procedures and terms governing Hamas’s participation in a conflict, whether it arises from an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program or the involvement of Iran’s allies, Syria and Hizballah, in comprehensive or partial hostilities against Israel. Hamas agreed to obey any orders to attack the Jewish state coming from Tehran, Damascus or Beirut.

Tehran also required A-Zahar and Issa to attach their signatures to copies of the military understandings Iranian National Security Director Saeed Jalili concluded with Bashar Assad during his visit to Damascus on Aug. 7. Those understandings touched off the massive Iranian airlift currently carrying hundreds of military personnel and weapons day by day to the embattled Syrian regime. Hamas’s signature provided a booster shot of 22,000 trained fighters including reservists for the battle array of elite Iranian al Qods Brigades units building up in Syria and Lebanon and taking up positions along Israel’s borders.

This buildup prompted the large-scale snap military exercise Israel staged on the Golan Wednesday, Sept. 19. Most of the forces stayed on after the exercise was over and spread out along the Syrian and Lebanese borders.

The directives Hamas leaders received in Tehran after their meetings with top officials were detailed and precise. They were handed down in person by Defense Minister Ahmed Wahidi, Revolutionary Guards Chief Gen. Ali Jafari, the Al Qods Brigades commander, Qassem Soleimani, and a select group of Iranian intelligence experts on the Israel.

Those orders were presented in the language of commands and brooked no argument. Tehran had two goals:

  1. To leave no leeway for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, of which the Palestinian Hamas is an offshoot, to veto the pledges Hamas signed in Tehran. The Palestinian Hamas was put on notice that the group was now under contract to defer to Tehran in military matters ahead of Cairo.
  2. Iran, Hizballah and Syria instructed Hamas to stop obstructing Jihad Islami’s activities in the Gaza Strip and be ready to operate in harmony with Iran’s Palestinian proxy against Israel. In a potential outbreak of war, both must take their orders from Iran’s Middle East command.

For placing itself under Tehran’s jackboot, Hamas was assured of the resumption of Iranian economic aid and fresh supplies of missiles, advanced hi-tech war equipment to improve the accuracy of its rocket attacks on Israel – which rarely hit much – and anti-air weapons systems.

Iran had been keeping Hamas short pending the guarantees and pledges of allegiance A Zahar carried to Tehran and Beirut in the round trips he made between Sept 8 and 13.  Even then, to make sure there were no loopholes in their accords, the Iranians forced the Hamas delegation to break its journey home to the Gaza Strip in Beirut, repeat their commitments to Tehran to Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah and re-sign the documents in his presence. Failing to honor the deal, they warned, would elicit the immediate cutoff of Iranian aid and supplies.

Hamas’ decision to unreservedly hitch its star to the Iranian wagon produced immediate fallout – especially on Egyptian-Israeli relations and counter-terror operations in Egyptian Sinai.

Friday, Islamist terrorists breached the Egyptian-Israeli border from Sinai, shot dead IDF Corp. Netanel Yahalomi and injured a second soldier, before the IDF killed three of the gunmen in a shootout.

In the last year, Sinai has become the stamping ground for al Qaeda cells and allied Islamic terrorists. Egypt’s new rulers have proved unequal to the job of controlling the territory. At the same time, Cairo is demanding the revision of the 1979 peace treaty’s military clauses. President Mohamed Morsi said Sunday, Sept 23, that his government would uphold the peace pact with Israel ONLY IF America commits to helping the Palestinians attain self-rule.

Israeli leaders are now asking what guarantees is President Morsi offering for offsetting any Iranian-orchestrated Hamas war operations from Gaza in line with the accord they have just signed in Tehran and Beirut.

Furthermore, they ask, what happens to the al Qaeda cells and other military groups rampant in Sinai? Up until now Iran and Hamas ran their ties with those terrorists on separate tracks. Will they now effect a merger?

A note of foreboding on this score was struck by Israeli Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz Sunday, Sept. 23, when he toured the scene of the last shootout with Sinai terrorists. “The Sinai border will continue to present us with a challenge,” he said. “We have made a colossal effort in the last two years to seal off the Egyptian border and it will be done. But even then, the threat will not disappear.”


Source: DebkaFile

Expert On Genocides Warns He Sees Iran On The Path To Commit One Against Israel

Unlike Hurricanes, Says the World Expert, Genocides Are Predictable.
And Iran IS Following the Pattern of Committing a Genocide!

Gregory Stanton, Founder of Genocide Watch,
says Iran has taken 6 of the 8 steps to commit Genocide.
But it’s NOT Late to Follow Canada’s Preventative Lead.


Genocide is neither linear nor “inexorable.” It is, rather, predictable and preventable, so long as you recognize the universal signs. And Iran, in its language and action, has taken six of the eight steps on the path to genocide, according to Dr. Gregory Stanton, the world’s foremost  expert on the matter.

Stanton, the founder and director of Genocide Watch, the world’s first organization to deal exclusively with this issue, and the author of an historic two-page paper on the nature of genocide, spoke at the Hebrew University medical school last week. He called for an international campaign to abolish the recurring crime of genocide and for the world to take action, as Canada has, to ostracize Iran and curb its genocidal intent.

Talk of genocide, Stanton said — of removing a cancer or crushing a cockroach — is never just talk. “One of the best predictors of genocide is incitement to genocide,” he said, “and I believe that is exactly what Iran is doing today.”

Genocide Watch founder and director Greg Stanton

Genocide Watch founder and director Greg Stanton delivering a lecture at the Hebrew University’s medical school

Encouraging genocide is a crime. The UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide was signed in 1948 and fathered by Raphael Lemkin, a Jewish Polish lawyer who studied the genocide of the Armenians and invented the term in 1943 – “genos” meaning race or people and “cide” to kill. The Convention states that incitement “with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group” is illegal.

Late last week, on precisely those grounds, Canada severed its ties with Iran. John Baird, the minister of foreign affairs, announced that the Iranian regime “engages in racist anti-Semitic rhetoric and incitement to genocide.”

He gave Iranian diplomats five days to leave the country.

Stanton and Dr. Elihu Richter, a professor emeritus at the Hebrew University’s medical school and the founder of the Jerusalem Center for Genocide Prevention, both hailed the decision.

Richter called it “mighty” and said that the Canadian declaration “sets a powerful precedent for intervening to prevent genocide and genocidal terror by going at the early predictive causes and catalysts, rather than waiting for the body count.”

The two are seeking to drag Iran before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, where state actors can prosecute one another. Neither the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs nor the Prime Minister’s Office could confirm whether Israel had encouraged Canada to file charges against Iran for incitement to genocide.

The Predictable Pattern

Recognizing the early signs, spotlighting them and prosecuting those encouraging the killings are some of the ways to prevent a genocide. Ignoring them, dismissing them as diabolical rhetoric or as a tactic meant to advance a different goal, is to enable the perpetrators, Stanton said.

Raphael Lemkin, top row on the right, with some of the first state representatives to sign the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons  CC-BY-SA)

Often, genocide goes unrecognized. In the opening slide of Stanton’s lecture three perplexed diplomats, clutching attaché cases that label them as representing the EU, the US and the UN, look around at a patch of desert, Darfur, that is stained with the bodies of the dead.  “Well…” says one; “Genocide, genocide…” says another; “Difficult question…” says the third.

Over the years Stanton realized that all genocides follow eight stages. They are, in this order: classification, symbolization, dehumanization, organization, polarization, preparation, extermination and denial.  He said:

Iran has classified and symbolized Israel through exclusionary ideology and hate speech; dehumanized it – “overcoming the normal human revulsion against murder” — by portraying the potential victims as a “cancer” in need of eradication; organized fanatical militias (the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps); polarized the society by repressing dissent and arresting moderates;  prepared for the killing by denying a past genocide and by constructing weapons of mass destruction; and, through global terrorism, even begun the seventh of his eight stages: extermination.


Places, like this church in Rwanda, could have been safe havens for the Tutsi people who sought shelter in them, but in the weeks leading up to the genocide, the international so-called “peacekeepers” were purposefully withdrawn, and 800,000 innocent people were massacred

In the past century alone there have been 55 genocides, leaving 70 million people dead, Stanton said. The Armenians, the Jews and the Tutsi of Rwanda were the rare examples of one group’s campaign to destroy another group in its entirety, he said; more often, the case is that one group seeks to partially eradicate another– perhaps the educated classes or those living in a certain geographic region. For instance, in 1971, Pakistani forces killed somewhere between 300,000 and three million Bangladeshis. They did not seek to annihilate all Hindus in what was then known as East Pakistan, but the crime, Stanton said, must be considered a genocide.

The Call to Service

Stanton, a small-town Illinois native and the son of a Presbyterian pastor, realized he had to devote his life to the prevention of genocide in 1981, while sitting in the office of a Yale psychiatrist.

A graduate of the Harvard Divinity School with a PhD in cultural anthropology from the University of Chicago, he was in his second year at Yale Law School, recently back from a year in Cambodia, where he had worked for the Church World Service, bringing relief to the victims of the Khmer Rouge. He and his wife had adopted a daughter there and he should have been happy, he said, but instead he had slipped into a deep depression. His wife insisted he see a psychiatrist, who asked what was bothering him. He told of the mass graves and the survivor testimonies and the little corpse in the tattered Mickey Mouse t-shirt.

The doctor told him that if he weren’t depressed there would be something wrong with him. The doctor added that he, like many others who have studied depression, feel it is a form of repressed anger. “Then he looked at me and said: ‘What are you angry about?’” Stanton recalled.

Stanton’s response: the fact that the Khmer Rouge had organized and perpetrated the killing of 1.7 million Cambodians and still remained in power.

From that moment on the prevention of genocide became his life’s work. He founded the Cambodia Genocide Project and spent decades pushing for the indictment of those responsible. He helped establish the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and was awarded the American Foreign Service Association’s W. Averell Harriman Award for “intellectual courage and creative accomplishment.”

Nonetheless, in the late nineties, he was fired from the State Department. His supervisor, frustrated with his efforts to document what he called “the appalling cowardice” of the US State Department in April 1994 — when it voted to withdraw all UNAMIR peacekeepers in Rwanda in the face of a mounting genocide — wrote the type of evaluation that he knew would eventually terminate his career. “Greg apparently does not understand that the State Department is a hierarchical organization,” he quoted, with obvious pleasure, during the lecture.

Before leaving the State Department, he wrote the two-page paper that is at the heart of his presentation and work.

Since then, Stanton, a descendant of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Henry Brewster Stanton – a founder of the woman’s liberation movement and an abolitionist – has founded the International Campaign to End Genocide.  It rests on two fundamental principles:  that genocide is “unlike a hurricane” and therefore predictable, and that the phenomenon has become wretchedly common.

“It’s like slavery,” he said, “a giant elephant in the room that everyone is ignoring.”


Source: TimesOfIsrael

Finally Iran Admits It Deceived The West Over The Nuclear Program

“We Had no Choice,
Since the UN Watchdog Was Bent
on Making Accusations Stick,”
Says the Evil Head of Tehran’s
Atomic Energy Agency

So, the Question Now Is:  Is Iran Still Lying?

So Why Obama, Europe and the UN Insist
in Continuing Waiting For the Next Lie

Why?  Because they Want Iran to Destroy Israel


Iran deliberately provided false information about its nuclear program to Western investigators and the International Atomic Energy Agency, a senior Iranian official has confirmed.

Irani LiearIn an interview published in the London-based daily Al-Hayat on Thursday, Iranian Vice President Fereydoon Abbasi-Davani, who is also the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said that misleading facts were used to protect his country’s nuclear program and to disguise some of the technical advances it has made.

He did not elaborate on what specific part of the program was lied about. Israel and much of the West believe Tehran has covered up efforts to build a nuclear weapon.

“Sometimes we pretended to be weaker than we really were, and sometimes we showed strength that was not really in our hands,” Abbasi-Davani said in the interview. “We had no choice.”

Abbasi-Davani complained that the attitude of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) officials sent to review the nature of his country’s nuclear program was that Iran was guilty unless proven otherwise.

The West was leveling accusations against Iran, and the IAEA was determined to corroborate those claims in the same way it was with Saddam Hussein in Iraq, he said.

On Monday, Abbasi-Davani charged that ”terrorists and saboteurs” might have infiltrated the IAEA in an effort to derail his nation’s atomic program. More specifically, he claimed, inspectors had arrived at the underground Fordo uranium enrichment facility on August 17, shortly after power lines were blown up.

“Does this visit have any connection to that detonation?” he asked.

Menashe Amir, an Iranian-born analyst for Israel Radio, said Iran, in claiming that its power supply at Fordo was sabotaged, and in saying it had to lie over its nuclear program because of IAEA bias, “is seeking to justify barring IAEA inspectors from the key nuclear facility at Parchin.”

The idea, he said, was to assert that the IAEA is compromised, and thus to avoid complying with its demands.

The IAEA — which has so far failed to gain access to the Parchin nuclear site, where it believes traces of nuclear tests can be found — called Tuesday for Iran to cooperate with inspectors.

A meeting on Tuesday between six world powers and Iran yielded no breakthroughs, even as leaders said they would continue to pursue diplomatic avenues and sanctions to convince Tehran to curb its nuclear program.

European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said the five UN Security Council nations and Germany, known as the P5+1, would discuss ways of breaking the impasse over Iran’s nuclear program on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York next week, Reuters reported.

Meanwhile, Iran and the UN’s atomic watchdog, engaged in concurrent talks over access to nuclear sites, are reportedly aiming to meet next month to continue talks over the program, AFP reported, quoting diplomats close to the negotiations.

Iran says its nuclear program is peaceful, though Israel and many Western powers dispute the claims. On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has reportedly agitated for a military strike — or at least the credible threat of such action — said the Islamic Republic was nearly 90% of the way toward bomb.


Source: TimesOfIsrael

Iran Pours More Troops Into Syria Ready To Target Israel From Syria And Lebanon

The Syrian Internal Military Conflict Goes International

The Winds of the Coming War Clearly Intensify

Iran Wants to Preempt Israel’s Attack


Iran continues to fly military personnel and quantities of weapons into Syria by civilian aircraft which cut through Iraqi airspace, American intelligence sources disclosed early Thursday, Sept. 20. UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon also said that, “Unfortunately, both [Syrian] sides, government and opposition forces, seem to be determined to see the end by military means.”

Clearly, Iran is augmenting its military involvement in the constantly escalating Syrian civil war, broadening it into a multinational conflict which threatens to drag Lebanon in, by means of the Iranian-Syrian ally, Hizballah.

The UN Secretary General’s statement implying that the two Syrian sides are determined to fight to the bitter end is echoed in Iran’s resolve to fight to the bitter end for Assad, on Syrian soil.

Tehran is not hiding its actions. Sunday, Sept. 16, Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Commander Gen. Ali Jafari said openly that Al Qods Brigades units were present and operational in both Syria and Lebanon.

No comment on this revelation has come from the US, Israel or Israel’s military (IDF) chiefs — notwithstanding its menacing import, namely, that Tehran is no longer hanging about and waiting for its nuclear program to be attacked in order to punish Israel, but is getting ready for a pre-emptive operation.

Still, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have chosen silence in the face of what any other nation would regard as a casus belli: the open deployment of enemy forces on its northern and eastern borders. This must have been the catalyst for the IDF’s surprise two-division strength drill Wednesday on Israel’s Golan border with Syria. But the IDF spokesman sounded almost apologetic when he explained that the exercise had nothing to do with the events in Syria or with Hizballah, and that it was no more than a routine drill for testing preparedness.

debkafile’s military sources say that, in the current climate, no military operation by any army on the Syrian border – especially one of this magnitude – may be regarded as “routine.” Only a week ago, the Golani Brigade concluded a large military exercise in northern Israel including the Golan. That sort of frequency must have operational connotations: The IDF is evidently keeping the army on the move and in a constant state of readiness to fight a real war without delay on terrain made familiar by repeated war games. IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Benny Gantz has a penchant for expressing himself through symbols, his method of overcoming the restrictions placed on his tongue by military and other constraints.

On New Year’s Eve last week, the general handed military correspondents a small gift: The Hebrew edition of the American writer Richard David Bach‘s “There’s No Such Place as Far Away.”

For the Golan drill Wednesday, he decided to attach Maj. Gen. (res.) Nati Sharoni, chief artillery officer in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, to his party of advisers and observers. The book was a clear message to Tehran and doubting Thomases at home that the IDF is fully capable of an operation against Iran’s nuclear program and of successfully accomplishing any mission far from its shores.

Gen. Sharoni’s presence at the Golan exercise, and the exercise itself, was a warning to Iran, Hizballah and Syria that they will be disappointed if they hope to catch Israel unready, as it was by the surprise attack which almost overcame the IDF 39 years ago on Yom Kippur before the tide of war was turned back against Egypt.


Source: Debka

Tens Of Thousands Of Israeli Troops Suddenly Called To A Surprise Golan Drill

A Middle East War Seems to be Imminent

Khamenei Gloats that Iran Will No Bend to the West


Israeli reservists drafted at no notice, Air Force, Central Command and other IDF units were hurriedly flown to Israel’s northern Golan border early Wednesday, Sept. 19, for a surprise exercise called by Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz under the codename “National Asset.”

The official IDF announcement tried to downplay its importance, describing it as a “planned, routine event.” However, debkafile’s military sources say the war game is the biggest the IDF has conducted in the eight years since the second Lebanon war on Hizballah in 2006, with tens of thousands of soldiers and senior officers, including the artillery and the air force taking part.

Over the last weekend, witnesses reported heavy traffic of convoys of tank and APC carriers and military vehicles with emergency store markings heading north, just days after the IDF completed a large-scale war game on Israel’s Syrian and Lebanese borders simulating a Hizballah attack. Since early September, therefore, the Israeli Defense Forces have been in the midst of preparations which have the appearance of readiness for a real war rather than an exercise. Those preparations peaked Wednesday under a codename which signified its goal:  the defense of national assets.

IDF Soldier Another sign of an impending military conflict was provided by US diplomats who Monday began destroying classified documents and sensitive equipment at the Beirut embassy. As Islamist anti-US violence raged across Arab and Muslim countries, the State Department said this was a precautionary measure, without naming any specific threat. The trashing of embassy documents usually signifies preparations to evacuate an US embassy at short notice. It would be imperative in a war situation to keep them out of Hizballah hands.

The official IDF announcement described the exercise as focusing on fire power under the command of chief Artillery Commander, Brig. Gen. Ro’i Riftin and due to end Wednesday night.  The rapid deployment of military strength on this scale for a live-fire drill is required practice for an army facing the onset of war aggression.

In the Persian Gulf, the US is leading 25 West European and Arab nations in a gigantic 12-day war game in the Straits of Hormuz which began Sunday, Sept 16. It includes a large-scale minesweeping drill to simulate the breaching of the Strait of Hormuz against Iranian efforts to block oil passage through the strategic waterway. The exercise —entirely by simulated measures — will also drill operations for destroying Iranian naval, air and missile bases in the Persian Gulf area and countering Iranian speedboats aiming to sabotage naval vessels and oil tankers. Among the participants are the UK, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The United States has deployed three aircraft carriers with aerial strike forces. Military sources estimate that when the war game ends on Sept 27, these forces will not disperse but stay on hand in the event of Israel attacking Iran’s nuclear program.

As the exhibition of colossal Western might got underway opposite Iranian shores, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was quoted on his official website as saying: Iran will never bend to Western pressure The Islamic Republic, he told a military audience, “makes its decisions solely based on the interests of its people and the country, even if all of the world’s powers get angry at its decisions. Iran does not accept the demands of any superpower.”  With these words he proved entirely right Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has repeatedly said that the Western sanctions on Iran are a mere excercise in futility, and in view of it he has asked for declaring “red lines” against bellicose Iran; at the same time Khameini proved totally wrong the assertions of Obama in reference to wait even more because the sanctions are working as intended.

The Ayatollah also accused “Western and Zionist media” of fabricating reports on the biting effects of economic sanctions, hinting that the Iranian economy was not suffering.

An all out war is coming soon to the Middle East, and HaShem has great surprises for all involved.


Based on: Debka

In Jerusalem It Is Proclaimed That Israel’s Next Leader Is Moshiach!


The Process of Redemption Is In Full Swing

And There is a Wind of Anticipation of Moshiach

An Excitement is felt by the Jews of Israel


Jewish Temple
The Future Temple of HaShem in Jerusalem


The Current Situation Of Israel
Requires Moshiach Soon


Lifnei ha’kol, Shannah Tovah v’Chag Sameach l’kulam!
Translation:  Before everthing, Happy New (Jewish) Year and Joyful Festivities to all!

It is Erev Rosh Hashanah and the Jewish year 5773 (2012 to 2013) is just about to begin in a few hours, and that brings to mind that we are in the midst of a Shmitah (Sabbatical Week of Years) while portentous Events and Moments appear to now be upon us.

The Islam-bent American White House is quickly disengaging itself from the Netanyahu government as the 44th President of the United States tries to recoup momentum to keep the seat of the Oval Office.  At the same time, Obama’s top military official, Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on August 30, after visiting with Netanyahu, stated; “I don’t want to be complicit if they (Israel) choose to do it” – meaning attacking Iran.  With the deciding vote in November for who will be the 45th President may virtually hang on the swing vote of the Jewish American voters, the die is being cast for both America and Israel.  As DebkaFiles wrote:

“President Barack Obama’s refusal Tuesday Sept. 11 to see Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu because “the president’s schedule will not permit that,” left Jerusalem thunderstruck – and Washington too.  At one stroke, round after round of delicate negotiations on Iran between the White House, Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem, the US National Security Council, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta collapsed.  They had aimed at an agreement on a starting point for the meeting that had been fixed between the two leaders for Sept. 28 in New York to bridge their differences over an attack on Iran’s nuclear program.”

As the diplomatic discussions continued to unfold for the last possible meeting between Netanyahu and Obama was slated for September 28, on Tishri 14 after Iran President Ahmadinejad is scheduled to speak at the United Nations on the Yom Kippur, the Great Day of Judgment, the stage is being set for the G-d of Israel to step into the world diplomatic ring and begin the final acts of judgment upon Planet Earth.  Then the clincher was revealed by DebkaFiles:

“Although the Israeli presidency is a largely titular function, Peres has elected himself senior spokesman for the opponents of an Israeli military operation against Iran.  While their advisers sought to establish agreed lines between them ahead of Netanyahu’s meeting with Obama, debkafile reports that the confrontation between the two Israeli politicians ended inconclusively, because Peres kept on demanding that the prime minister bend to the will of the White House.”

The Vatican’s P2 Masonic Lodge representative to the State of Israel sitting as the President of Israel has now joined the diplomatic discussion table, giving the final vote of the Vatican to the discussions on whether to strike Iran or not.  Then Barry Chamish jumped into the fray in April, 2012, with this article titled; “Out of Israel, the next Exodus”, we read these words:

“Not two months ago, the head of military intelligence for the IDF, Aviv Kochavi felt he had to tell the public a painful truth.  Israel’s enemies, presumably not Egypt or Jordan, had 200,000 missiles aimed at everywhere in the country. In the next war, unlike the disastrous war of ’06 which saw literally, the entire north driven south by the missiles, this time there would be nowhere to run.

[ Obviously, faithless Chamish forgets that HaShem IS the best Refuge there is.  Actually, for Israel, He is the only proven Defense and worthy Hope; not even the IDF is to be trusted completely for our defense. ]

So scared is this settler-less staff, that less than a month before they let Hamas rain over 300 rockets in 4 days from Rishon Letzion east to Be’er Sheva. The army, overwhelmed with fear that any retaliation might spark a full scale war it would lose, sat on its hands comatose.

There is a threat that Israel has let its enemies know that, so far, has kept the next war in check. In Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and Iran, they have decided not to order the missile war ignited because Israel has threatened a kamikaze nuclear ending. Any rational person knows that Damascus cannot be destroyed by an Israeli nuke. It would be the same as nuking yourself.

Located just 10 miles from the Golan Heights, if you destroy Damascus, no matter which way the wind may be blowing, the Golan and the upper Galilee would be irradiated within minutes. The same goes for Sidon, Tyre, and Gaza.  If you start the next war, we will lose, but you’re going down with us.  We will nuke you to oblivion, so don’t do anything stupid.”

So, Israel is at one of those critical existential moments.  The choice is to go alone — even if still doing it in the company of other countries, which means to be without the protecting Hand of the G-d of Israel — or to “call upon the Name of Hashem” as the Lord of the Legions, the invincible Leader of Forces of Heaven.  The terrible part is that many Israelis and Jews in Galut do not really trust Him when He says, “Call upon Me and I will answer.”

This is the scenario we currently have — at least the one we can see.

Enters Moshiach.

The Initial Shofar Is Being Blown


In a series of newspapers, advertisements and billboards, the “Soon Coming of Moshiach” is being announced all over the Land of Israel. This event alone is palpable, not whether it will happen now, but that the Jewish soul is being awakened by the Almighty One of Israel and the Israeli people are responding to the facts that the Days of the Messiah (Mashiach) have now arrived.

The following half-page advertisement appeared in the Jerusalem Post on Sunday and Monday, 9, 10 September, 2012.

The Messiah is Here Ad

In the webpage of the group that put the advertisement it tells it in an expanded way:

The Next Leader of Israel is Moshiach!

The world will soon go through catastrophic disasters. Only Moshiach will save Israel in the coming up Gog and Magog war!  The group says that Moshiach is in Israel, in Tel Aviv.

The current government in Israel is the last government! The Next leader of Israel is: the Moshiach! Only Moshiach will save Israel in the coming up Gog and Magog war!

The world will soon go through catastrophic disasters, which have never seen before: severe earthquakes and mega tsunamis. Towns and Cities in Europe and U.S.A will sink under the ocean water! The world’s financial and economic system will fail and collapse; G-d will smash the silver and gold idols!

G-d will smash the idols of silver and gold


Watch the video below.

  • Israel will go through a severe earthquake and fatal missiles attacks, including chemical, biological and atomic weapons after which; no building will remain intact!  Those who will remain after Gog and Magog events will live in tents!  Just as was in the First Redemption, those who left Egypt with Moses lived in tents in the Sinai desert.  Those who chose to stick as slaves to their houses and properties in Egypt were exterminated.  Vanished!
  • Anti-Semitism will increase all around the world and will develop into serious violence, worse than the horrible events which the Jewish communities have suffered from, before and during World War Two!!

Jews who will choose to remain in the Diaspora, worshiping the modern Golden Calf will be lost!  Just like the eighty percent of the Jews in Egypt who preferred to stick to their properties there, and remain slaves to Pharaoh.  Those eighty percent lost their lives!  The Israeli people will pay severely, on any Israeli government waiver of Homeland Property, handed to the enemy!

The Israeli people will pay severely even for the act of talking about handing over Israeli territories to the enemy, or declaring about “two states for two peoples”!

The Land of Israel was given to Abraham by G-d as an Eternal Gift: only to the people of Israel!

Orthodox Jewish Patriots of Israel


Anyone who dares to trade with the Holy Land of Israel will not exist in the near Redemption!

Nowadays, disasters and diseases are increased also among the religious communities, including the Orthodox Haredim!  They do not ask for Moshiach as the Leader by advertising and loudly shouting to G-d asking for Moshiach!  They stand aside while blasphemy is occurring when the Israeli government continues to hand over Israeli Holy Territories to the enemy.

What should everyone do in order to survive in Gog and Magog War?

What should you do in order to see the holy 3rd Temple descending from Heaven to its location in Jerusalem?

What should you do in order to survive and watch the astonishing event of the resurrection!?

What should you do in order to live eternal life in the redemption era when all nations will speak the Hebrew language, and when the people of Israel will be the light for all the nations of the world!

You should cry out loudly every day to God (in Hebrew) asking for Moshiach:

! ה’ מלך העולם

!! אנא שלח:משיח בן דוד מיד

“Adonai Melech Haolam!
Ana shlach Moshiach Ben David miyad!!”

L-ord, King of the World!
Please, send us Moshiach Ben David immediately!

Better use the Shofar in between the shouting.

Here are examples of shouting in Hebrew:

Resources in the Bible, the Gmara, Rambam (Maimonides) etc/ for the command to shout loudly to G-d in cases of troubles:

In Hebrew – “What to do in order to be saved

Jerusalem Ad Messiah is Here

  • You should advertise Moshiach in the media: newspapers, internet, radio, billboards, flags, TV, as well as with shirts with Moshiach title, signposts, Moshiach advertisement on the car and in front of the house, on the doors etc.

Follow G-d’s Commandments according to Moses as revealed in the Bible.  Participate in the struggle for the possession of Israel’s whole Homeland Property!

Any Jew who will not immediately return to Israel will not survive in the war of Redemption because G-d will soon repay the Gentiles for their bad deeds toward the Jews all along the history.  Any Jew who will stay abroad will not be protected!  He will be lost together with the Gentiles around him!

Take care of your wives as queens!  Take care of homeless animals!

To sum it up:  The Moshiach will soon be revealed in any case — with or without “your help”!  Following the dramatic events that will soon occur in the world, there will not be even one person who will not shout for G-d’s Help!   Why shout to G-d in hospitals, or after an earthquake, or after missiles attacks, when already it’s too late?!  Why not to spend money for advertising Moshiach, rather than spending money on mourning advertising?

Moshiach does not need you.  You are the one who needs Moshiach and G-d’s Help — most of all in the Gog and Magog period — in the great and horrifying Judgment Day of G-d which is ahead!

Advertising Moshiach in the radio

Advertising Moshiach on busses

Internet advertisment

Click to Open Advertising on Buses and Billboards in Israel

Shannah Tovah v’Chag Sameach!


Source: V871

Extreme Natural Disasters + Worldwide Social Turmoil + Threats of a Global War = Signs of Impending Redemption


The Final Redemption Is Ahead


Could It Happen This Coming Hoshannah Rabah,
Tishrei 21 5773 (7 October, 2012)?


By Devash

The Final Redemption Is Ahead


If you’re reading this, then you are connected to the internet and there is no way that you can not have heard about the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.  Supposedly, this was the result of “spontaneous” riots which broke out in response to an anti-Islam film which was attributed to an “Israeli Jew living in California.”  In Cairo, also, riots broke out near the embassy and the US flag was burned and replaced with an Islamic one.

Within twenty-four hours, however, new reports have emerged that a group of Egyptian Christians were responsible for the film and serious questions have been raised about how “spontaneous” the reaction really was.

Today, the situation is very fluid.  The US State Dept has issued a travel advisory for American citizens:

…Embassies in Armenia, Burundi, Egypt, Kuwait, Sudan, Tunisia and Zambia all issued warnings on Wednesday that don’t report any specific threat but note that demonstrations can become violent and advise Americans in those countries to be particularly vigilant….

There are reports that rioting is continuing in Egypt and has spread to Yemen, Bangladesh, Tunisia and Morocco.

In response to the murders in Libya, the US is sending in two warships carrying Tomahawk cruise missiles.

And lest we forget, there is still the situation with Syria and Iran which deteriorates by the day.

As if this were not enough, we’ve got a talking head at NBC asking a representative of the group who made the anti-Islam film who is really more dangerous to the world, the “Supreme Leader” in Tehran or “Bibi” Netanyahu?! He went on to say that the only way to get along with Netanyahu is to agree with everything he says.

The New Yorker took its cheap shot, too “High-handed,” “arrogant,” “dangerous” – these are just a few of the personality traits of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, if the editor of the New Yorker, David Remnick, is to be believed. In an op-ed piece on the magazine’s web site. Remnick laces into Netanyahu as a “dangerous neocon” whose aim is, “to embolden and elevate the reactionary forces in Israel, to eliminate the dwindling possibility of a just settlement with the Palestinians, and to isolate his country on the world diplomatic stage.”

The scary part is not that people say these things, it’s that they say them openly and unabashedly.  There is no shame in it and this bodes ill for Jews in chu”l particularly.

Results of a US False Flag Operation

We are living in generally scary times and it’s getting worse.  We’re more informed than ever, and yet we have no idea what can be believed.  Some illusory people say the relationship between the US and Israel may or may not be as tenuous as reported.  Some have hypothesized that the ‘bad blood’ between the Obama and the Israeli Prime Minister could all be a magnificent act meant to fool the leadership of Iran while they secretly plot its downfall together.

Still others more realistically think the Libya attack might be a False-Flag event intended to cover up the real reason for warships in the Mediterranean:  An invasion of Israel meant to cut her down to size and prevent her from putting the whole world at risk with her insistent demand that Iran be denied nuclear power.

[ At this point, we should have into account that “the US State Department – that notorious nest of poisonous vipers – was warned that the embassy would be attacked 48 hours ahead of time. But both Obama and Hillary Clinton decided to laid low, be quiet and do nothing.” until after the now obvious pre-arranged assault of the always brutal Muslim mob.  Although they now act very surprised and indignant, they consciously sacrificed their own embassador and three more peons for the sake of something which we shall see in the next few days or weeks.  Like evil Rham Emmanuel, a best friend of nefarious Obama, once said:  “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”  This was another obvious False Flag Operation of the American goverment, carried on 11 years to the date of the other False Flag Operation on 9/11 2001.  Coincidence?  Again!!!  For dishonest fools everyting that scares them is “just a coincidence.” Oh well…]

Only HaShem knows what’s really going on.  It’s up to us to have faith in Him that He does everything for our very best and He is the One ultimately in control.  The power of life and death are in His hands alone.

However, it’s worth noting that it is highly significant that this escalation started on 9/11, that ison the eleventh anniversary of the destruction of the Twin Towers.  The number 11 is itself highly significant.

The number eleven, which is how many spices there were in the Ketores, at first seems rather odd. However, Kabbalistically it is a number of tremendous importance for it alludes to one of the most prized possessions in all of history: Da’at Elohim (Godly-Knowledge).

It is well-known that there are only ten fixed Sefirot: Keser, Chochmah, Binah, Chesed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malchut (Crown, Wisdom, Understanding, Kindness, Strength, Harmony, Dominance, Glory, Foundation, and Kingship). They are, for all intents and purposes, the spiritual DNA for all of existence, and the filters through which the G-d of Light passes to make it all exist and happen.

Kabbalah explains that there is actually an 11th sefirah. However, because it is really the product of other sefirot and subject to Movement, meaning that it can come and go based upon the efforts of man, it is more like a pseudo-sefirah, though its centrality is not to be under-estimated. (In truth, Da’at is what the light of Keser becomes after being filtered through Chochmah and Binah, which is why it is not really counted independently, but that is already a discussion that goes above our heads.)

Brushing aside the details, Da’at means one thing and one thing only: Redemption. The more of this light that exists in the world, the more Redemption will become a real and fixed reality, which is why the prophets describe Yemot HaMoshiach as a time when the world will be filled with Da’at, just as Betzalel was to construct the Mishkan, a microcosm of the entire universe in perfection, as the Zohar said….

The golden calf represents the other extreme – the world without Da’at, a forerunner of modern Western Society. (Ow! The truth hurts.)

The Parah Adumah, the subject of this week’s special Maftir, of course is the tikun for the golden calf, and therefore an expression of this very concept. (See Rashi at the beginning of Parashat Chukat.)

Thus, there are some very famous elevens through history, and they are all associated with this concept of Da’at. For example, Yosef was the 11th son born to Ya’akov, the one through whom the Hand of G-d became clear and from whom Moshiach ben Yosef will descend to help us across the threshold into Moshiach’s Time.

However, perhaps the most famous 11 is the Gematria of the letters “Vav-Heh” from G-d’s Tetragrammaton Name, purposely left out at the end of Parashat Beshallach when G-d swears there will be war against Amalek until the end of history. The Name of HaShem that represents this reality is “Elohim.” Once Amalek is finally snuffed out in Moshiach’s Time, they will return and G-d’s Name will once again be one. However, until such time it is as if they remain hidden, like the hand of G-d itself in the affairs of man, allowing Gevurot and Amalek to do their thing. (Rabbi Pinchas Winston, Perceptions on Parshat Ki Tisa)

And just as that first 9/11 led to war on Hoshanah Rabbah 5762, the events which began on this 9/11 may finish that war on Hoshanah Rabbah 5773.

We will have to watch this play out over the days to come, but I have the feeling that events might converge and cascade until we could have a real shot at Gog uMagog on Hoshanah Rabbah 5773 just as predicted.  If so, then history may very well show in the end that the Redemption began right at the closing of the year 5772.

May each one of us be inscribed and sealed for life and health and a future.  May each one of us live and survive to greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu and merit to live in days of Moshiach and the rebuilt Beit HaMikdash in Peace, Love and Joy.

For more, read the article “War? Probably Not Until Hoshanah Rabbah


Source: Tomer Deborah