Assad’s Deadly Agenda: First, Chemicals. Next, Powerful Russian Hypersonic Ballistic Missile

Russia Makes A Grave Move Toward WW3
Missile Crisis 2.0 In The Making

In Response To American ‘Patriot’ Missiles in Turkey
Moscow Has Upped the Ante Vigorously Against the West
And the West Has No Viable Answer Against It

The Russians have just given Syrian tyrant Bashar Assad
his most sophisticated weapon thus far – the Iskander cruise missile,
which has a hypersonic speed of 1.3 miles per second.


On Dec. 5, the first American, Dutch and German Patriot missiles landed in Turkey. Within hours, three Russian warships had put into Syria’s Tartus port – the Novocherkassk and Saratov landing craft and the MB-304 supply vessel. Aboard were 300 marines. But there were not only fighting men. They also delivered a fearsome weapon for Assad’s army and a game changer in the Syrian conflict: 24 Iskander 9K720 (NATO codenamed SS-26 Stone) cruise missile systems, designed for theater level conflicts.

While NATO unpacked the Patriots in Turkey, a dozen mobile batteries – each carrying a pair of Iskander missiles – were fixed into position opposite Turkey, and another dozen, opposite Jordan and Israel. At all their stations, the Russian missiles are pointed at US military targets.

So, while the West was gripped with alarm over Assad’s poison Sarin gas shells and bombs and gearing up for missile attacks on Turkey, the Russians were injecting into the Syrian war field the most sophisticated weapon of death thus far.

The West and Israel have no answer for the Iskander’s hypersonic speed of more than 1.3 miles per second with a 280 mile-range and a 1,500-pound warhead which destroys targets with pinpoint accuracy. It is also nuclear-capable.

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised two US presidents, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, not to let the Iskander reach the hands of Syria or Iran.

Moscow has no illusions that once in Syria, the lethal cruise missile will pretty soon reach Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Saturday, Dec. 15, Iran’s chief of staff Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi warned that the Patriot missiles in Turkey portended world war. He was referring to the missile-versus-missile face-off in Syria .

 By giving Assad the Iskanders, Moscow has plumped itself squarely in the Tehran-Damascus-Hizballah camp, while on the contrary president Obama is carefully holding back from an unreserved commitment to the Syrian insurgency.

Some Western circles see Russia’s military intervention in the Syrian conflict as presaging Bashar Assad’s early downfall. The reality is that before he falls, the Syria ruler is getting ready for desperate measures – first by unleashing chemical warfare and, after that, using the deadly Iskanders for a last throw against his enemies.

And then, what? As it says in Isaiah 17:1,

“The burden of Damascus:  Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it will be a ruinous heap.”

The world is on the verge of the greatest cataclysm since the Flood of Noach; but most people, imbued by shear fear and irresponsibility, pretend to ignore what is constantly clearly evident all over the news: Worldwide society is rapidly collapsing at every level, planetary nature is inevitably agonizing, and a growing threat of nuclear doom extends is dark and lethal arms around all of us pulling us toward an abyss that seems to be inescapable. Meanwhile, we persistently continue in our perennial attempts to escape our bleak reality through empty positivism whose only result is to put us to sleep in front of mortal danger. Denial and wishful thinking will NOT change the course of history as prophesied. Only honest repentance and sincere and meaningful prayer, accompanied by selfless acts of humanity that arise from our conscious study of Torah shall merit this world to climb out of the hole in which we all are speedily falling. But the real problem is: are the masses willing to do it? Are you? Am I?

Notwithstanding, the best part of all this ugly panorama we face is how bad it is getting. We all know that immediately after the greatest darkness of the night is when the light of day appears, and immediately after the worst and more frequent pains of delivery arrives a beautiful baby. Si it is with the current situation of our world.

We all need to understand that if there is not a humble change of heart among the masses of the world — and even more importantly among the Jews — we shall have to go through what was prophesied by our holy Prophets in the old days … and it is not going to be nice. But after that terrible pain and indescribable horror a New World shall arise lead by Moshiach under the Commands and Rules of HaShem. Then, at last, the world shall enjoy true and lasting Justice and Peace. But it could have being the easy way! Who is at fault? You and I. After all, in the same way that denial and wishful thinking are signs of personal dysfunction, so is projection.


Source: DebkaFilese

My Ideas On This True War Against Terror, Not The Fake One Invented By The US

You Have Arrived To The ‘Mother Of All Rants Page’

Throwing All Political Correctness Out Of The Window

Beware, Get Away If You Are Of A Faint Heart

First of all, my apologies for not posting for so many days — most of all during these so important times — but my computer has been broken in the shop for far too long.  Now, one of my sons lent me this one … but, guess what, it’s having problems too!  Oh, well… I’ll try to do my best, though.

Would you allow terrorists to bomb your cities without a strong response?

For those of you that know me and my family, and for those who out of human solidarity simply care, I’ll say that even though we have been under fairly constant bombardment by the genocide-prone Muslim terrorists who bottom-dwell in Gaza, we are very well and with much hightened spirits. It is truly wonderful to witness and be a part of (although in a very miniscule way) the amazing salvation that HaShem constantly does for His People.

It is a great honor to live in a Land that infuses in the Jewish People such a great courage to face the hatred, threats and constant attacks of countless bloodthirsty savages, whose only purpose in life is to kill, conquer, abuse, lie, and kill, and kill and kill just as their barbaric Koranic (read demonic) religion of war and hatred demands of them.

I should start by a funny but true note of this necessary war.  Out of 834 missiles that the dishonorable Muslim terrorists had shot at us until this morning, 100 of them had fallen right upon their own heads in Gaza!  Well, it is the combination of the fact that they stink and are a bunch of loosers, plus the other evident Fact that HaShem loves Israel and also that He has a great sense of humor.  But it is also a Message and Reminder for all the Goyim in the world: that is what will happen in the future, as the Prophet Ezekiel says in the chapter 38 or 39 of his Holy Book in Tanakh.   I cannot quote it here and now because I’m in a computer lent and half-broken.  You look for it, but I assure you, it’s there.  Yes, miracles are happening, and more are on the way.

They attack our civilians from their civilian areas

For far too long, and shrouded by the complicit silence of the so-called “international community” and corporative media, the democratically-elected Hamas terrorists have constantly rocketed our civilian populations hidden from behind their own civilian areas in Gaza. That is the origin of this new round of war and death. Of course, the Arabs started their genocidal atempts almost 100 years ago, much before the resurrection of Israel.

whose fault is it?

So, under that cowardly primise of attacking us using their own families a human shileds and tools of propaganda, we have no other option that to attack their civilian areas. Again, we have to attack their civilian areas. Should I repeat, whose fault is it?

I think that we may be on the verge of an enormous war of incalculable dimensions.  This war shall be caused by the evil intrancigense of the Muslim Arabs, who do not want to accept the idea of the existance of a non-Muslim nation in the Middle East — no matter how well established the historical rights of that nation may be, as it is the case of the Jewish People in reference to our tiny Land.  The fact of the matter is that if we were Hindus, Christians or Buddhists, it would be the same ordeal with them.

The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means ‘submission’, and that is their main concern in life: They need to submit other nations, races, religions, philosophies, women, children everybody! and force them to follow the dictates of their degenerate false prophet and worship a cruel and filthy demon impersonating the True King of the Universe. Their biggest problem, though, is that Israel shall not be conquered and submitted ever again.  Yes, according to Prophecy there may come a day when Israel will be almost conquered and almost submitted by a confederacy of Islamic bastards; but it will be on that same Day when HaShem will “filp the omelette” around on them, thus causing their utter destruction — as well as as those pathetic nations that, out of their wet antisemitic dreams, solidarize openly or covertly with the Islamic filth.

Today, after only 4 1/2 days of our long-awaited and well-deserved response to their constant barrage of rockets upon our civilian heads, the Gazan rats are crying like non-paid whores for a cease fire.  Now, Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egypt — one of their shameless Jihadist pimps — after only one day of having threatened us with Islamic retaliations for our “agression” against the “Palestinian” people, wants to be a “mediator” to achieve a cease fire that would prevent the erradication of terrorist Hamas from Aza, and that would make them look good.  Now they all whine to the UN through the prostituted media, which they have bought with their petro-dollars.  But, we Jews know all too well that the so-called “international community” and the liberal media wish — no, salivates — for our complete disapearance from our Land one way or another, so as to placate the Arabs and continue receiving their oil.

Last night a building where journalists cohabit with terrorists in Gaza was destroyed by our forces; no one was hurt, but Al Jazzira and other Muslim outlets said that several news people had being wounded.  But the Western “journalists” did not care to contradict such falacy.  So why should we care about such “journalists”?  They are there knowingly serving as human shields to the terrorists, and possibly much more; they take sides with the terrorists, and the want immunity so as to prevent weapon caches and terrorists strongholds to be exonerated from attack.  My opinion is that if they don’t want to get hurt, or worse, not to get in the line of fire … or else, goodby.  Are they not the ones that published that Israel had aimed at a civilian home, when in reality it was the house of thecommander of the north forces of the terrorists?  Who says that terrorists can aim at our homes but that we cannot aim at theirs?  And their children?  Well, why should we care about their children when they don’t care about them, rather they use them as human shields?! 

A wounded Israeli baby.  Few publicized this foto because few care about Israeli civilians

A wounded Israeli baby. Few publicized this foto because few care about Israeli civilians at all

They have pushed us to this understanding:  we are to care FIRST and FOREMOST for our own children and much later for others’.  The US and Europe have murdered an immense amount of children in Iraq and Afghanistan by bombing blindly their enemy, but now they want to hold us to a different standard.  Bastards!!!

America invented a reason to attack Iraq, where almost a million civilians were indescriminately killed and maimed by NATO.  And they were not attacked, not even provoked, by the Iraqis.  Ah, but killing in the name of oil is OK.  Should I clarify that Americans call oil “freedom” as in “the Marines are fighting for ‘freedom’.”  Hah!  Yes, that’s true American ingenuity, allright.  America went to Afghanistan to control the market of Opium Poppies and Heroine, the production of which has quadrupled under the American military invasion and supervision.  And where is the oh so selfrighteous media informing the zombies of the world about this fact?  Of course they euphemistically called this “The War On Terror,” when in reality it was ‘The War For Oil And Drugs’.

Ah, but when Israel fights the only true war on terror in this world against true terrorists

not elements controlled by our Mossad, as it is the case with the CIA and Al Qaida then everybody becomes so, so humane… even though we send hundreds of thousands of leaflets and messages to the unworthy “civilians” in Gaza to stay away from our bombs directed surgically to weapon depots and terrorist training camps.  But why the true civilians do not leave their weapons-ridden homes?  Because they are forced at gun point by the also civilian terrorists.  What should we do, then?  The same American and Europeans have done all along without any reason: bomb them.  The civilians in Gaza voted for Hamas in the hopes that they would exterminate the civilian Jewish population in Israel; therefore, they had it coming.  Aren’t these the same civilians that when our civilians are exploded by their beloved terrorists dance in the streets  of Gaza and congratulate one another?  So why the commiseration now with such bunch of rabid donkeys?

When we see terrorists on TV, what do we see?  Armed civilians!  But the antisemitic media ignores that fact, and when we kill them they report that civilians were “assassinated by Israel.”  Yes, the media is complicit with the modern Hitlerists, just as they were when the Holocaust.  So, maybe I will cry for Argentina, but I will not for blood-thirsty terrorists, nor for their supporting civilians, and not when lying journalists fall while our forces try and clean that enclave of evil since I, like David HaMelech, hate HaShem’s enemies and the enemies of his People with a perfect hatred, and I will loudly exult The Almighty, B”H, when He will at last annihilate, through Moshiach, all the enemies of Israel in a well deserved Display of His Omnipotence in the rapidly coming Great Day of our Redemption.  May it be soon, in our lifetime so that we can finally say and have Shalom.

White House Irked By Netanyahu’s “Red Line” Speech, Reverts To Iran Diplomacy

America Continues to Provoke the Wrath of G-d

In the Midst of an Arrogance Attack Obama and Clinton

Let See their Genocidal Intention Toward Israel

The Muslim in Chief in the Wite House is Very Mad at Netanyahu
for Daring to Defend the Right of Israel to Fight for her Survival
in Front of the Evident Conspiracy existent between Obama and Iran


The Islamic Usurper

The Islamic Usurper Dictates to Israel

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton berated Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for the powerful presentation of his case for confronting Iran with Red Lines — instead of the thus far failed American diplomacy and weak sanctions — in his speech to the UN General Assembly Thursday, Sept. 27.

Neither of them released a statement from their conversation of an hour and a quarter one-on-one shortly after the irrefutable speech. Clinton made it clear that the arrogant Muslim Kenyan usurper of the White House Barack Obama would not tolerate the Israeli prime minister having a say in his Iran agenda.

Of course, what these two filthy mongrels (Obama and Clinton) forgot is that Mr. Netanyahu is the democratically-elected leader of a sovereign and totally  independent nation (yes, despite de wet dreams of many self-important Americans); and therefore it is Netanyahu — and no other! much less them — has the greatest saying in what concerns the national survival of israel.  In Israel we all have their number, and will not stand by their vain American imperial arrogance.

Muslim Obama — committed as he is to supporting the Islamic dream of world conquest and the destruction of Israel — assured that he would remain stuck to diplomacy regardless of Netanyahu’s warning that it was getting “late, very late” to stop a nuclear Iran.  Clinton accordingly announced a decision by “the world powers” to go into another round of nuclear negotiations with Iran, although after the breakdown of diplomacy in July, they expected an improved Iranian offer.

These so-called “world powers,” who speak so grandiloquently about freedom and democracy, have abrogated themselves the position of deciders of the course of history for all humanity, something that only belongs to G-d Almighty, B”H.  It will be lovely to see what will happen to them pretty soon.

Notorious anti-Semite EU foreign executive Catherine Ashton was directed to get in touch with Iran’s nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalilee for another attempt to set up talks, although when the two officials met in Istanbul on Sept. 18, they made no headway.

US steps early Friday Sept. 28 put the clock back five days to Monday when Obama dismissed Netanyahu’s advocacy of agreed Red Lines for warning Iran off its nuclear bomb program as “background noises” which he systematically blocked. This reversal came after White House and Israeli officials had begun discussing moving the critical timeline for that program to late spring, early summer 2013, instead of this year.

Addressing the UN General Assembly Thursday, Sept. 27  Israel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu graphically depicted Israel’s Red Line for Iran. He held up a simple diagram showing that Iran had covered 70 percent of the distance to a nuclear bomb and must be stopped before it reached the critical stage next spring or early summer of 2013. He stressed that it is getting late, very late to stop a nuclear Iran. The best way, he said, is to lay down a clear Red Line on the most vulnerable element of its nuclear program: uranium enrichment. “I believe that if faced with a clear and credible red line, Iran will back down and may even disband its program,” he said.

Red Lines prevent wars, don’t start them and in fact deterred Iran from blocking the Strait of Hormuz. Israel and the US are in discussion over this issue, said Netanyahu. “I’m sure we can forge a way forward together.” He went on to accuse Iran of spreading terrorist networks in two dozen countries and turning Lebanon and Gaza into terror strongholds.

Hoping a nuclear-armed Iran will bring stability is like hoping a nuclear al Qaeda will bring world peace, the prime minister remarked. Some Washington sources are disclosing that the White House and Israel emissaries have come to an understanding that Israel will hold back from attacking Iran’s nuclear sites before the US election in November, while a special team set up by Usurper Obama completes a new paper setting out the end game for Iran. He put the team to work after concluding that negotiations with Iran had exhausted their usefulness. Gary Samore, top presidential adviser on nuclear proliferation, leads the team.

Netanyahu’s citing of late spring, early summer 2013, as the critical point on Iran’s path to a nuclear bomb appears to confirm that he has agreed to delay military action against Iran following negotiations with the White House on the next agreed steps. The prime minister was represented in those talks by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and National Security Adviser Yakov Amidror.

According to another view, which is current in Washington’s intelligence community, Israel was finally persuaded to delay by fresh intelligence [ most probably contrived ] presented by the Obama administration which showed that Israeli estimates were overly pessimistic in judging the timeline for Iran’s nuclear facilities to be buried in “immunity zones.” That timeline extended to spring 2013, leaving Israel five to six months up to April-May for ordering a military operation against those sites. However, we have learned that Israeli intelligence circles dispute their American colleagues’ estimate as “interesting” but inaccurate.  Netanyahu, in his speech, confirmed that Washington and Jerusalem were constantly exchanging views and evaluations on the state of Iran’s nuclear program. He also made the point that while intelligence services, American and Israeli alike, had remarkable aptitudes, their estimates on Iran were not foolproof. He was referring to the Pentagon dubious claim that when Iran was ready to build a bomb, American intelligence would know about it in good time.  But that does not mean that they will share the truth with Israel.

Trusting America has proven suicidal for many nations, among them Cuba where I was born, but also the prosperous pre-Ayatollah Iran, Nicaragua, and many others.  Bigoted America is only trustworthy for England, France and Germany; the rest should better be very careful.  Israel does not need America.  Reality is opposite to that:  America needs Israel, and HaShem will soon validate such a truism.


Source: DebkaFile

Netanyahu Draws Israel’s Red Line For Iran Amid A Secret Discussion With The US

The Attack Would Take Place Next Spring

My Prediction:  Obama Will Backtrack, Obama Will Betray Israel

Read Below the whole Text of Netanyahu’s Speech at the UN
As well as the Video of the Complete Speech


Netanyahu's red line shown to the UN

Netanyahu’s red line shown to the UN

Highlights of the Speech

Addressing the UN General Assembly Thursday, Sept. 27 Israel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu graphically depicted Israel’s red line for Iran. He held up a simple diagram showing that Iran had covered 70 percent of the distance to a nuclear bomb and must be stopped before it reached the critical stage next spring or early summer. He stressed that it is getting late, very late to stop a nuclear Iran.

The best way, he said, is to lay down a clear red line on the most vulnerable element of its nuclear program: uranium enrichment. “I believe that if faced with a clear and credible red line, Iran will back down and may even disband its nuclear program,” he said.  Red lines prevent wars, don’t start them and in fact deterred Iran from blocking the Strait of Hormuz. Israel and the US are in discussion over this issue, said Netanyahu. “I’m sure we can forge a way forward together.

Netanyahu went on to accuse Iran of spreading terrorist networks in two dozen countries and turning Lebanon and Gaza into terror strongholds. Hoping a nuclear-armed Iran will bring stability is like hoping a nuclear al Qaeda will bring peace, the prime minister remarked. debkafile quotes some Washington sources as disclosing that the White House and Israel emissaries have come to an understanding that Israel will hold back from attacking Iran’s nuclear sites before the US election in November, while a special team led set up by Barack Obama completes a new paper setting out the end game for Iran. He put the team to work after concluding that negotiations with Iran had exhausted their usefulness and placed at its head Gary Samore, top presidential adviser on nuclear proliferation.

Netanyahu’s citing of late spring, early summer 2013, as the critical point on Iran’s path to a nuclear bomb appears to confirm that he has agreed to delay military action against Iran in negotiations with the White House. Our sources report that the prime minister was represented in those talks by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and National Security Adviser Yakov Amidror.

According to another view, which is current in Washington’s intelligence community, Israel was finally persuaded by fresh intelligence [ most probably contrived ] presented by the Obama administration which showed that Israeli estimates were overly pessimistic in judging the timeline for Iran’s nuclear facilities to be buried in “immunity zones.” That time line extended to spring 2013, leaving Israel five to six months up to April-May for ordering a military operation against those sites. However, we have learned, Israeli intelligence circles dispute their American colleagues’ estimate as “interesting” but inaccurate.

Netanyahu in his speech confirmed that Washington and Jerusalem were constantly exchanging views and evaluations on the state of Iran’s nuclear program. He also made the point that while intelligence services, American and Israeli alike, had remarkable aptitudes, their estimates on Iran were not foolproof.


Text of the Speech of Benjamin Netanyahu
at the UN on September 27, 2012


Obama the Muslim Donkey gets a History Lesson 101



Thank you very much Mr. President.

It’s a pleasure to see the General Assembly presided by the Ambassador from Israel, and it’s good to see all of you, distinguished delegates.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Three thousand years ago, King David reigned over the Jewish state in our eternal capital, Jerusalem. I say that to all those who proclaim that the Jewish state has no roots in our region and that it will soon disappear.

Throughout our history, the Jewish people have overcome all the tyrants who have sought our destruction. It’s their ideologies that have been discarded by history.

The people of Israel live on. We say in Hebrew Am Yisrael Chai, and the Jewish state will live forever.

The Jewish people have lived in the land of Israel for thousands of years. Even after most of our people were exiled from it, Jews continued to live in the land of Israel throughout the ages.  The masses of our people never gave up the dreamed of returning to our ancient homeland.

Defying the laws of history, we did just that. We ingathered the exiles, restored our independence and rebuilt our national life. The Jewish people have come home!

We will never be uprooted again!!!

Yesterday was Yom Kippur, the Holiest Day of the Jewish year.

Every year, for over three millennia, we have come together on this Day of reflection and Atonement. We take stock of our past. We pray for our future. We remember the sorrows of our persecution; we remember the great travails of our dispersion; we mourn the extermination of a third of our people — six million — in the Holocaust.

But at the end of Yom Kippur, we celebrate.

We celebrate the rebirth of Israel. We celebrate the heroism of our young men and women who have defended our people with the indomitable courage of Joshua, David, and the Maccabees of old. We celebrate the marvel of the flourishing modern Jewish state.

In Israel, we walk the same paths tread by our patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But we blaze new trails in science, technology, medicine, agriculture.

In Israel, the past and the future find common ground.

Unfortunately, that is not the case in many other countries. For today, a great battle is being waged between the modern and the medieval.

The forces of modernity seek a bright future in which the rights of all are protected, in which an ever-expanding digital library is available in the palm of every child, in which every life is sacred.

The forces of medievalism seek a world in which women and minorities are subjugated, in which knowledge is suppressed, in which not life but death is glorified.

These forces clash around the globe, but nowhere more starkly than in the Middle East.

Israel stands proudly with the forces of modernity. We protect the rights of all our citizens: men and women, Jews and Arabs, Muslims and Christians — all are equal before the law.

Israel is also making the world a better place: our scientists win Nobel Prizes. Our know-how is in every cell-phone and computer that you’re using. We prevent hunger by irrigating arid lands in Africa and Asia.

Recently, I was deeply moved when I visited Technion, one of our technological institutes in Haifa, and I saw a man paralyzed from the waist down climb up a flight of stairs, quite easily, with the aid of an Israeli invention.

And Israel’s exceptional creativity is matched by our people’s remarkable compassion. When disaster strikes anywhere in the world — in Haiti, Japan, India, Turkey Indonesia and elsewhere — Israeli doctors are among the first on the scene, performing life-saving surgeries.

In the past year, I lost both my father and my father-in-law. In the same hospital wards where they were treated, Israeli doctors were treating Palestinian Arabs. In fact, every year, thousands of Arabs from the Palestinian territories and Arabs from throughout the Middle East come to Israel to be treated in Israeli hospitals by Israeli doctors.

I know you’re not going to hear that from speakers around this podium, but that’s the truth. It’s important that you are aware of this truth.

It’s because Israel cherishes life, that Israel cherishes peace and seeks peace.

We seek to preserve our historic ties and our historic peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. We seek to forge a durable peace with the Palestinians.

President Abbas just spoke here.

I say to him and I say to you:

We won’t solve our conflict with libelous speeches at the UN. That’s not the way to solve it. We won’t solve our conflict with unilateral declarations of statehood.

We have to sit together, negotiate together, and reach a mutual compromise, in which a demilitarized Palestinian state recognizes the one and only Jewish State.

Israel wants to see a Middle East of progress and peace. We want to see the three great religions that sprang forth from our region — Judaism, Christianity and Islam — coexist in peace and in mutual respect.

Yet the medieval forces of radical Islam, whom you just saw storming the American embassies throughout the Middle East, they oppose this.

They seek supremacy over all Muslims. They are bent on world conquest. They want to destroy Israel, Europe, America. They want to extinguish freedom. They want to end the modern world.

Militant Islam has many branches – from the rulers of Iran with their Revolutionary Guards to Al Qaeda terrorists to the radical cells lurking in every part of the globe.

But despite their differences, they are all rooted in the same bitter soil of intolerance. That intolerance is directed first at their fellow Muslims, and then to Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, secular people, anyone who doesn’t submit to their unforgiving creed.

They want to drag humanity back to an age of unquestioning dogma and unrelenting conflict.

I am sure of one thing. Ultimately they will fail. Ultimately, light will penetrate the darkness.

We’ve seen that happen before.

Some five hundred years ago, the printing press helped pry a cloistered Europe out of a dark age. Eventually, ignorance gave way to enlightenment.

So too, a cloistered Middle East will eventually yield to the irresistible power of freedom and technology. When this happens, our region will be guided not by fanaticism and conspiracy, but by reason and curiosity.

I think the relevant question is this:  It’s not whether this fanaticism will be defeated. It’s how many lives will be lost before it’s defeated.

We’ve seen that happen before too.

Some 70 years ago, the world saw another fanatic ideology bent on world conquest. It went down in flames. But not before it took millions of people with it. Those who opposed that fanaticism waited too long to act. In the end they triumphed, but at an horrific cost.

My friends, we cannot let that happen again.

At stake is not merely the future of my own country. At stake is the future of the world. Nothing could imperil our common future more than the arming of Iran with nuclear weapons.

To understand what the world would be like with a nuclear-armed Iran, just imagine the world with a nuclear-armed Al-Qaeda.

It makes no difference whether these lethal weapons are in the hands of the world’s most dangerous terrorist regime or the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization. They’re both fired by the same hatred; they’re both driven by the same lust for violence.

Just look at what the Iranian regime has done up till now, without nuclear weapons.

In 2009, they brutally put down mass protests for democracy in their own country. Today, their henchmen are participating in the slaughter of tens of thousands of Syrian civilians, including thousands of children, directly participating in this murder.

They abetted the killing of American soldiers in Iraq and continue to do so in Afghanistan. Before that, Iranian proxies killed hundreds of American troops in Beirut and in Saudi Arabia. They’ve turned Lebanon and Gaza into terror strongholds, embedding nearly 100,000 missiles and rockets in civilian areas. Thousands of these rockets and missiles have already been fired at Israeli communities by their terrorist proxies.

In the last year, they’ve spread their international terror networks to two dozen countries across five continents — from India and Thailand to Kenya and Bulgaria. They’ve even plotted to blow up a restaurant a few blocks from the White House in order to kill a diplomat.

And of course, Iran’s rulers repeatedly deny the Holocaust and call for Israel’s destruction almost on a daily basis, as they did again this week from the United Nations.

So I ask you, given this record of Iranian aggression without nuclear weapons, just imagine Iranian aggression with nuclear weapons. Imagine their long range missiles tipped with nuclear warheads, their terror networks armed with atomic bombs.

Who among you would feel safe in the Middle East? Who would be safe in Europe? Who would be safe in America? Who would be safe anywhere?

There are those who believe that a nuclear-armed Iran can be deterred like the Soviet Union.

That’s a very dangerous assumption.

Militant Jihadists behave very differently from secular Marxists. There were no Soviet suicide bombers. Yet Iran produces hordes of them.

Deterrence worked with the Soviets, because every time the Soviets faced a choice between their ideology and their survival, they chose their survival.

But deterrence may not work with the Iranians once they get nuclear weapons.

There’s a great scholar of the Middle East, Prof. Bernard Lewis, who put it best. He said that for the Ayatollahs of Iran, mutually assured destruction is not a deterrent, it’s an inducement.

Iran’s apocalyptic leaders believe that a medieval holy man will reappear in the wake of a devastating Holy War, thereby ensuring that their brand of radical Islam will rule the earth.

That’s not just what they believe. That’s what is actually guiding their policies and their actions.

Just listen to Ayatollah Rafsanjani who said, I quote:  “The use of even one nuclear bomb inside Israel will destroy everything, however it would only harm the Islamic world.”

Rafsanjani said:  “It is not irrational to contemplate such an eventuality.”

Not irrational !!

And that’s coming from one of the so-called “moderates” of Iran.

Shockingly, some people have begun to peddle the absurd notion that a nuclear-armed Iran would actually “stabilize” the Middle East.

Yeah, right.

That’s like saying a nuclear-armed Al-Qaeda would usher in an era of “universal peace.”

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I’ve been speaking about the need to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons for over 15 years.

I spoke about it in my first term in office as Prime Minister, and then I spoke about it when I left office. I spoke about it when it was fashionable, and I spoke about it when it wasn’t fashionable.

I speak about it now because the hour is getting late — very late!  I speak about it now because the Iranian nuclear calendar doesn’t take time out for anyone or for anything. I speak about it now because when it comes to the survival of my country, it’s not only my right to speak; it’s my duty to speak. And I believe that this is the duty of every responsible leader who wants to preserve world peace.

For nearly a decade, the international community has tried to stop the Iranian nuclear program with diplomacy.  That hasn’t worked.

Iran uses diplomatic negotiations as a means to buy time to advance its nuclear program.

For over seven years, the international community has tried sanctions with Iran. Under the leadership of President Obama, the international community has passed some of the strongest sanctions to date.

I want to thank the governments represented here that have joined in this effort. It’s had an effect. Oil exports have been curbed and the Iranian economy has been hit hard.

It’s had an effect on the economy, but we must face the truth. Sanctions have not stopped Iran’s nuclear program either.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, during the last year alone, Iran has doubled the number of centrifuges in its underground nuclear facility in Qom.

At this late hour, there is only one way to peacefully prevent Iran from getting atomic bombs. That’s by placing a clear Red Line on Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

Red Lines don’t lead to war;  Red Lines prevent war.

Look at NATO’s charter:  It made clear that an attack on one member country would be considered an attack on all.  NATO’s Red Line helped keep the peace in Europe for nearly half a century.

President Kennedy set a red line during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  That Red Line also prevented war and helped preserve the peace for decades.

In fact, it’s the failure to place Red Lines that has often invited aggression.

If the Western powers had drawn clear Red Lines during the 1930s, I believe they would have stopped Nazi aggression and World War II might have been avoided.

In 1990, if Saddam Hussein had been clearly told that his conquest of Kuwait would cross a Red Line, the first Gulf War might have been avoided.

Clear Red Lines have also worked with Iran.

Earlier this year, Iran threatened to close the Straits of Hormouz. The United States drew a clear Red Line and Iran backed off.

Red Lines could be drawn in different parts of Iran’s nuclear weapons program.  But to be credible, a Red Line must be drawn first and foremost in one vital part of their program: on Iran’s efforts to enrich uranium.  Now let me explain why:

Basically, any bomb consists of explosive material and a mechanism to ignite it.

The simplest example is gunpowder and a fuse. That is, you light the fuse and set off the gunpowder.

In the case of Iran’s plans to build a nuclear weapon, the gunpowder is enriched uranium.  The fuse is a nuclear detonator.

For Iran, amassing enough enriched uranium is far more difficult than producing the nuclear fuse.

For a country like Iran, it takes many, many years to enrich uranium for a bomb. That requires thousands of centrifuges spinning in tandem in very big industrial plants. Those Iranian plants are visible and they’re still vulnerable.

In contrast, Iran could produce the nuclear detonator – the fuse – in a lot less time, maybe under a year, maybe only a few months.

The detonator can be made in a small workshop the size of a classroom.  It may be very difficult to find and target that workshop, especially in Iran. That’s a country that’s bigger than France, Germany, Italy and Britain combined.

The same is true for the small facility in which they could assemble a warhead or a nuclear device that could be placed in a container ship. Chances are you won’t find that facility either.

So, in fact, the only way that you can credibly prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, is to prevent Iran from amassing enough enriched uranium for a bomb.

So, how much enriched uranium do you need for a bomb? And how close is Iran to getting it?

Let me show you. I brought a diagram for you. Here’s the diagram.

This is a bomb; this is a fuse.

In the case of Iran’s nuclear plans to build a bomb, this bomb has to be filled with enough enriched uranium. And Iran has to go through three stages.

The first stage:  they have to enrich enough of low enriched uranium.

The second stage:  they have to enrich enough medium enriched uranium.

And the third stage and final stage:  they have to enrich enough high enriched uranium for the first bomb.

Where’s Iran? Iran’s completed the first stage. It took them many years, but they completed it and they’re 70% of the way there.

Now they are well into the second stage. By next spring — at most by next summer at current enrichment rates — they will have finished the medium enrichment and move on to the final stage.

From there, it’s only a few months, possibly a few weeks before they get enough enriched uranium for the first bomb.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

What I told you now is not based on secret information. It’s not based on military intelligence. It’s based on public reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Anybody can read them. They’re online.

So if these are the facts — and they are — where should the Red Line be drawn?

The Red Line should be drawn right here.  Before Iran completes the second stage of nuclear enrichment necessary to make a bomb.

Before Iran gets to a point where it’s a few months away, or a few weeks away, from amassing enough enriched uranium to make a nuclear weapon.

Each day, that point is getting closer. That’s why I speak today with such a sense of urgency. And that’s why everyone should have a sense of urgency.

Some who claim that even if Iran completes the enrichment process, even if it crosses that Red Line that I just drew, our intelligence agencies will know when and where Iran will make the fuse, assemble the bomb, and prepare the warhead.

Look, no one appreciates our intelligence agencies more than the Prime Minister of Israel.  All these leading intelligence agencies are superb, including ours. They’ve foiled many attacks. They’ve saved many lives.

But they are not foolproof.

For over two years, our intelligence agencies didn’t know that Iran was building a huge nuclear enrichment plant under a mountain.

Do we want to risk the security of the world on the assumption that we would find in time a small workshop in a country half the size of Europe?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The relevant question is not when Iran will get the bomb. The relevant question is at what stage can we no longer stop Iran from getting the bomb.

The Red Line must be drawn on Iran’s nuclear enrichment program because these enrichment facilities are the only nuclear installations that we can definitely see and credibly target.

I believe that faced with a clear Red Line, Iran will back down.

This will give more time for sanctions and diplomacy to convince Iran to dismantle its nuclear weapons program altogether.

Two days ago, from this podium, President Obama reiterated that the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran cannot be contained.

I very much appreciate the President’s position as does everyone in my country. We share the goal of stopping Iran’s nuclear weapons program. This goal unites the people of Israel. It unites Americans, Democrats and Republicans alike and it is shared by important leaders throughout the world.

What I have said today will help ensure that this common goal is achieved.

Israel is in discussions with the United States over this issue, and I am confident that we can chart a path forward together.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The clash between modernity and medievalism need not be a clash between progress and tradition.

The traditions of the Jewish people go back thousands of years. They are the source of our collective values and the foundation of our national strength.

At the same time, the Jewish people have always looked towards the future. Throughout history, we have been at the forefront of efforts to expand liberty, promote equality, and advance human rights.

We champion these principles not despite of our traditions but because of them.

We heed the words of the Jewish prophets Isaiah, Amos, and Jeremiah to treat all with dignity and compassion, to pursue justice and cherish life and to pray and strive for peace.

These are the timeless Values of my people and these are the Jewish people’s greatest gift to mankind.

Let us commit ourselves today to defend these values so that we can defend our freedom and protect our common civilization.

Thank you.


Source 1: DebkaFile  —  Source 2: FreeRepublic

The Sumatran Earthquakes In April Were Part Of A Major Tectonic Plate Breakup

The Prophetic Scenery Is Getting Ready
For The Coming Of Moshiach
And Our Redemption

But Before That The Ride Is Going to Get Much Rougher

We Need Continual Emunah and Tshuvah
For What Is Coming Our Way


17  Pachad (fear), and the pachat (pit), and the pach (snare), are upon you, inhabitant of ha’aretz (the earth).  18  And it shall come to pass, that he who flees from the noise of the pachad (fear) shall fall into the pachat (pit), and he that comes up out of the midst of the pachat (pit) shall be caught in the pach (snare); because the arubot (windows) from On High are opened, and the mosedei eretz (foundations of the earth) shake.  19  Ha’aretz (the Earth) is violently broken down, ha’aretz is completely split open, ha’eretz is shaken exceedingly.  20  Ha’aretz shall stagger to and fro like a shikkor (drunkard), and it shall shake like a melunah (watchman’s hut).  And the peysha (transgression) of it shall be heavy upon it.  And it shall fall, and not rise again.  21  And it shall come to pass b’Yom hahu (in that Day) that HaShem shall visit [in punishment] the Tzeva HaMarom (Host on High, Pagan deities), and the melachim ha’adamah (kings of the earth) upon ha’adamah (the earth).

Planet Earth may be 4.5 billion years old, but that doesn’t mean it can’t serve up a shattering surprise now and again.

Such was the case on April 11 when two massive earthquakes erupted beneath the Indian Ocean off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, far from the usual danger zones. Now scientists say the seafloor ruptures are part of a long suspected, yet never before observed, event: the slow-motion splitting of a vast tectonic plate.

Sumatran Quake

The first of the quakes, a magnitude 8.7, was 20 times more powerful than California’s long anticipated “big one” and tore a complex network of faults deep in the ocean floor. The violence also triggered unusually large aftershocks thousands of miles away, including four off North America’s western coast.

“It was jaw-dropping,” said Thorne Lay, a professor of Earth and planetary sciences at UC Santa Cruz. “It was like nothing we’d ever seen.”

At first, Lay wondered whether the computer code he used to analyze earthquakes was wrong. Eventually, he and other scientists realized that they had documented the breakup of the Indo-Australian plate into two pieces, an epic process that began roughly 50 million years ago and will continue for tens of millions more. Lay and other scientists reported their findings online Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Most great earthquakes occur along plate borders, where one plate dives beneath the adjoining plate and sinks deep into Earth’s mantle, a process called subduction. The April 11 quakes, however, occurred in the middle of the plate and involved a number of strike-slip faults, meaning the ground on one side of the fault moves horizontally past ground on the other side.

Scientists say the 8.7 main shock broke four faults. The quake lasted 2 minutes and 40 seconds — most last just seconds — and was followed by a second main shock, of magnitude 8.2, two hours later.

Unlike the magnitude 9.1 temblor that struck in the same region on Dec. 26, 2004, and created a deadly tsunami, the April 11 quakes did not cause similar destruction. That’s because horizontally moving strike-slip faults do not induce the massive, vertical displacement of water that thrust faults do on the borders of plates.

The type of interplate faults involved in the Sumatran quakes are the result of monumental forces, some of which drove the land mass of India into Asia millions of years ago and lifted the Himalayan Mountains. As the Indo-Australian plate continues to slide northwest, the western portion of the plate, where India is, has been grinding against and underneath Asia. But the eastern portion of the plate, which contains Australia, keeps on moving without the same obstruction. That difference creates squeezing pressure in the area where the quakes occurred.

The study authors say that over time, as more quakes occur and new ruptures appear, the cracks will eventually coalesce into a single fissure.

“This is part of the messy business of breaking up a plate,” said University of Utah seismologist Keith Koper, senior author of one of the studies. “Most likely it will take thousands of similar large quakes for that to happen.”

The quakes were also notable for triggering powerful aftershocks thousands of miles away. Though major quakes have been known to trigger aftershocks at great distance, they are usually less than 5.5 in magnitude. The April earthquakes triggered 11 aftershocks that measured 5.5 or greater in the six days that followed, including a magnitude 7. Remote shocks were felt 6,000 to 12,000 miles from the main quakes.

Fred Pollitz, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif., and lead author of one of the studies, said the quakes were extremely effective in transmitting seismic wave radiation around the world. Though Pollitz said the magnitude of the larger Sumatran quake is No. 10 on the list of quakes since 1900, no other temblor has triggered so many strong aftershocks so far away.

“It’s the most powerful earthquake ever in terms of capability of putting stress on other fault zones around the world,” he said.

Pollitz said the quakes were likely to teach seismologists about the physics of earthquakes, particularly those along strike-slip faults. That knowledge, he said, would certainly apply to California’s San Andreas fault, which is also a strike-slip fault.

Lay said that the Sumatran quakes were most surprising in that they were completely unanticipated by seismologists and that he did not expect the event to repeat any time soon.


Source: LAtimes

Hamas Signs A Binding Military Commitment To An Iran-Led War On Israel

The Islamic Stranglehold on Israel Tightens

All the Current Moves Indicate an Imminent Major War

The International Community Sees All the Moves Toward War in Absolute Silence
in Hope that Israel Will Be Finally Annihilated From the Face of the Earth
But Hear then Scream in Protest When Israel Starts Defeating
the Genocidal Barbarians from Islam.
The Clock is Ticking toward WW3


Muslim Barbarians of Hamas

Clearly Islam is a a Cult of Violence

Hamas leader Mahmoud A-Zahar and deputy commander of its military arm, Marwan Issa, spent the second week of September in Beirut and Tehran finalizing and signing protocols covering a binding commitment by the radical Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip to join Iran, Syria and Hizballah in a war agaisnt Israel, debkafile’s exclusive military sources disclose.

The protocols set out in detail the circumstances, procedures and terms governing Hamas’s participation in a conflict, whether it arises from an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program or the involvement of Iran’s allies, Syria and Hizballah, in comprehensive or partial hostilities against Israel. Hamas agreed to obey any orders to attack the Jewish state coming from Tehran, Damascus or Beirut.

Tehran also required A-Zahar and Issa to attach their signatures to copies of the military understandings Iranian National Security Director Saeed Jalili concluded with Bashar Assad during his visit to Damascus on Aug. 7. Those understandings touched off the massive Iranian airlift currently carrying hundreds of military personnel and weapons day by day to the embattled Syrian regime. Hamas’s signature provided a booster shot of 22,000 trained fighters including reservists for the battle array of elite Iranian al Qods Brigades units building up in Syria and Lebanon and taking up positions along Israel’s borders.

This buildup prompted the large-scale snap military exercise Israel staged on the Golan Wednesday, Sept. 19. Most of the forces stayed on after the exercise was over and spread out along the Syrian and Lebanese borders.

The directives Hamas leaders received in Tehran after their meetings with top officials were detailed and precise. They were handed down in person by Defense Minister Ahmed Wahidi, Revolutionary Guards Chief Gen. Ali Jafari, the Al Qods Brigades commander, Qassem Soleimani, and a select group of Iranian intelligence experts on the Israel.

Those orders were presented in the language of commands and brooked no argument. Tehran had two goals:

  1. To leave no leeway for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, of which the Palestinian Hamas is an offshoot, to veto the pledges Hamas signed in Tehran. The Palestinian Hamas was put on notice that the group was now under contract to defer to Tehran in military matters ahead of Cairo.
  2. Iran, Hizballah and Syria instructed Hamas to stop obstructing Jihad Islami’s activities in the Gaza Strip and be ready to operate in harmony with Iran’s Palestinian proxy against Israel. In a potential outbreak of war, both must take their orders from Iran’s Middle East command.

For placing itself under Tehran’s jackboot, Hamas was assured of the resumption of Iranian economic aid and fresh supplies of missiles, advanced hi-tech war equipment to improve the accuracy of its rocket attacks on Israel – which rarely hit much – and anti-air weapons systems.

Iran had been keeping Hamas short pending the guarantees and pledges of allegiance A Zahar carried to Tehran and Beirut in the round trips he made between Sept 8 and 13.  Even then, to make sure there were no loopholes in their accords, the Iranians forced the Hamas delegation to break its journey home to the Gaza Strip in Beirut, repeat their commitments to Tehran to Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah and re-sign the documents in his presence. Failing to honor the deal, they warned, would elicit the immediate cutoff of Iranian aid and supplies.

Hamas’ decision to unreservedly hitch its star to the Iranian wagon produced immediate fallout – especially on Egyptian-Israeli relations and counter-terror operations in Egyptian Sinai.

Friday, Islamist terrorists breached the Egyptian-Israeli border from Sinai, shot dead IDF Corp. Netanel Yahalomi and injured a second soldier, before the IDF killed three of the gunmen in a shootout.

In the last year, Sinai has become the stamping ground for al Qaeda cells and allied Islamic terrorists. Egypt’s new rulers have proved unequal to the job of controlling the territory. At the same time, Cairo is demanding the revision of the 1979 peace treaty’s military clauses. President Mohamed Morsi said Sunday, Sept 23, that his government would uphold the peace pact with Israel ONLY IF America commits to helping the Palestinians attain self-rule.

Israeli leaders are now asking what guarantees is President Morsi offering for offsetting any Iranian-orchestrated Hamas war operations from Gaza in line with the accord they have just signed in Tehran and Beirut.

Furthermore, they ask, what happens to the al Qaeda cells and other military groups rampant in Sinai? Up until now Iran and Hamas ran their ties with those terrorists on separate tracks. Will they now effect a merger?

A note of foreboding on this score was struck by Israeli Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz Sunday, Sept. 23, when he toured the scene of the last shootout with Sinai terrorists. “The Sinai border will continue to present us with a challenge,” he said. “We have made a colossal effort in the last two years to seal off the Egyptian border and it will be done. But even then, the threat will not disappear.”


Source: DebkaFile

The Betrayal of Israel By Hidden Islamist Barack Hussein Obama Is Undeniable And Evident

History not only repeats itself to boredom,
but also to tragic, repeated, and totally unnecessary consequences

In recovery and pop psychology circles there is a widely popularized definition of insanity which goes:  “Insanity is repeating over and over the same action while expecting a different result.”  What an undebatable truism!

Israel has run down many times the same treaded path upon which we are at this moment with respect to the genocidal bellicosity of an enemy (currently Iran) the emboldened Muslim Arab mob of the Middle East, and the hope and trust that many in Israel — chief among them the last several governments — have deposited on a deceitful “friend” (currently America).  Yes, yestercentury our hope was on the help of Egypt, and nowadays we do the same with the United States of America.  Make no mistake, the result shalll surely be the same; and if we expect something different is because we are entirely delusional, and therefore insane.

Isaiah 31:1
Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and rely on horses; and to those who trust in chariots because they are many, and in horsemen because they are very strong, but they do not look for the The Holy One of Israel, neither seek HaShem!


Isaiah 36:6
Behold, you trust in the staff of this broken reed — on Egypt — on which if a man leans it will go into his palm and pierce it!  So is Pharaoh King of Egypt to all that trust in him.


Isaiah 36:9
How then will you turn away the face of one Officer of the least of my Master’s Servants, and put your trust upon Egypt for chariots and for horsemen??!!


2 King 15-17
15  And when the servant of the Man of G-d (Prophet Elisha) was risen early, and went forth, behold, an army surrounded the city with horses and chariots.   And his servant said unto him: “Oy, my lord!  What shall we do?”  16  And he answered, “Do not fear because those who are with us are many more than those that are with them.”  17  And Elishah prayed and said:  “Hashem, open now his eyes so that he can see.”  And HaShem opened the eyes of the servant and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire were all around Elishah.

Anti-Semite US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) may very well have told American Jewish leaders who came to him pleading for his help in the rescue of the trapped Jews of Europe in the early 1940s something similar to what was uttered by president Barack Obama last March at the AIPAC conference in Washington: “There should not be a shred of doubt by now: when the chips are down, I have Israel’s back.” Like his Democratic Party predecessor, Obama has deceivingly expressed comforting words to American Jewish leaders, but has refrained from taking decisive action that would substantiate his words. An example of which is the last round of sanctions against Iran that were brought to the President’s desk in December 2011 by Senators Menendez (D) and Kirk (R), and endorsed in the Senate 100-0, that Obama sought to change the language of and diminish its intent.

Republican U.S. Congressman Hamilton Fish (R-NY) accused FDR in the 1940s, as news of death camps was unfolding, of “spiritual anesthesia” for not taking a stand to save the European Jews. According to Fish FDR’s silence may have been the deciding factor in Hitler’s execution of the “Final Solution.”  Fish argued that had “FDR made a definitive announcement out of the White House, it might well have stopped the megalomaniac Hitler or at least brought home the truth to the German and Polish people, most of whom probably knew little of Hitler’s extermination policy.”

Obama is a Muslim enemy of IsraelIn a similar vein, had Obama made a definitive statement that declared America’s “red lines” on Iran’s nuclear weapons development, and the consequences for Tehran of crossing such lines, the present situation, which threatens the lives of six million Jews in Israel and elsewhere, would not have arisen.  Instead, Obama dispatched the chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey to express opposition to a unilateral Israeli military action against Iran.  Dempsey shamelessly said in London, “I don’t want to be complicit if they (Israel) choose to do it.”  Evidently he and his nefarious boss in Washington prefer to be complicit in the genocide of more than 6,000,000 Jews in Israel, thus equating themselves to the Nazis of Germany.

According to the September 3, 2012 Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot,

The Obama administration, informed Iran via two European nations, that it would not back an Israeli strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities, as long as Tehran refrains from attacking American interests in the Persian Gulf.”

Obama is a Muslim traitorIn late March of this year, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton told Fox News that the Obama administration leaked a story which revealed that Israel had been granted access to airfields in Azerbaijan located along Iran’s northern border.  Bolton was responding to a Foreign Policy magazine article, and stated on Fox “I think this leak today is part of the administration’s campaign against an Israeli attack on Iran.”  He went on to say that a strike from Azerbaijan “would be much easier for the Israelis than a strike launched from their own country — jets could stay over their target longer and worry less about refueling.”  Bolton added, that “tipping the Israelis’ hand by revealing very sensitive, very important information could frustrate such a plan.”

In his book, ‘Obama’s Betrayal of Israel’, author Michael Ledeen provides evidence that President Obama is uninterested in Israel’s security and that he constantly sends messages to the world to that effect.  Ledeen writes that Obama personally attended a ceremony awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Israel basher Mary Robinson.  She is the former Irish PM and the UN official who presided over the infamous anti-Israel Durban Conference in 2001.

Obama’s claim that American support for Israel is “unbreakable” is either naïve or disingenuous.  Clearly, one cannot claim to be dedicated to Israel’s security and at the same time advocate a Palestinian State.  Hamas declares its intentions to eradicate the Jewish state openly and regularly, while in Ramallah, Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas seeks a unity government with Hamas, and rejects direct negotiations with Israel.  But there is more

  1. Earlier this year Obama authorized $192 million to go the Palestinian Authority.
  2. He lifted the ban on financial aid to the Palestinian Authority imposed by the U.S. Congress, claiming that it was “important to the security interests of the United States”!
  3. Similarly, Obama continues to support the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Cairo with $1.2 billion in U.S. taxpayer money.
  4. At the same time, Obama is refusing to meet Netanyahu later this month, following his humiliating treatment of Netanyahu on a previous visit to the Obama White House.

Israelis, according to Ledeen, get the picture, and in a recent poll, only 4% of Israelis said that they thought B. Hussein Obama’s policies were supportive of Israel.  In other words, 96% considered Obama unfriendly towards Israel.  Actually, we believe he is an Islamic enemy of Israel.

There are two ways to implement the destruction of Israel is:

  1. to enable Iran to acquire nuclear weapons and
  2. tie Israel’s hands by preventing it from striking Iran preemptively while there is still time.

Well, Obama has blocked Israel from destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities, and he is shameless and tirelessly doing all he can to make sure Iran gets the time it needs to produce a nuclear bomb.  The useless 5+1 talks with Iran certainly bought time for Iran, and the U.S. sanctions imposed against Iran have had some impact on the Iranian economy, but didn’t halt Iran’s race towards a nuclear weapon.

Obama is as well aware of these facts just as FDR knew of the gas chambers in Auschwitz.  Another way of undermining Israel is by fostering a terror-prone “Palestinian” State, and that is what Obama has done.

In a recent interview on Israel’s Arutz Sheva, former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Zalman Shoval said that Israeli and U.S. interests diverged when it came to Iran. “We need to get used to the fact that, as usual, we are alone.”  A diplomat, Shoval was careful not to point a finger at Obama but the implications of Obama’s policies are clear. Shoval did however compare the current situation with the days before the Six Day War, when Israel received no support from the Johnson Administration, and was told point-blank by President Johnson that if Israel took the initiative and attacked Egypt, it would have to suffer the consequences, despite the fact that Egypt had committed an act of war by closing off the Straits of Tiran.

The difference today, as compared to 1967, is that Israel’s enemy – Iran – might use a nuclear weapon that could incinerate a sizeable portion of Israel.

According to Shoval, the U.S. knows that it must prevent Iran from going nuclear – not to save Israel, of course, but to save its strategic position in the world, and in the Middle East in particular. Eventually, Shoval said, the U.S. might act, but by the time they do it may be too late. The U.S., he added, wants to put off the confrontation with Iran for a year or two, but every delay gives the Iran another advantage. Obama, as Shoval sees it, is much more interested in being reelected than dealing with the Iranian threat. And, should he be reelected, his domestic concerns, i.e. the economy, will trump national security issues such as Iran.

The Iranian-based Press TV reported on September 11, 2012 that “The U.S. rebuffed Israel over Iran ‘red lines’.”  Prime Minister Netanyahu had called for the U.S. to declare “red lines” over Tehran’s nuclear program on Sunday (9/9/12), warning that in the absence of such a statement Iranian officials would not take seriously Washington’s implied threat of military action. “The sooner we establish one, the greater the chances that there won’t be a need for other types of action,” he told Canada’s CBC News. Asked on Sunday (9/9/12) whether the administration would set out red lines or deadlines, Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Secretary of State replied on Bloomberg Radio that “We are not setting deadlines.”

In an entry in Assistant Secretary of State Breckinridge Long’s dairy on October 3, 1940, he noted that President Roosevelt (FDR) supported his policy of encouraging U.S. consulates to “postpone, and postpone and postpone” the granting of visas to European Jews.  This is reminiscent of Obama’s policy of postponing action against Iran.  The results may be the same, the betrayal of Israel’s Jews … but this time around HaShem is going to pass the final Bbill to America.  Some or many Jews shall fall but the total doom of America is truly at hand.


Source: TheJerusalemConnection

Expert On Genocides Warns He Sees Iran On The Path To Commit One Against Israel

Unlike Hurricanes, Says the World Expert, Genocides Are Predictable.
And Iran IS Following the Pattern of Committing a Genocide!

Gregory Stanton, Founder of Genocide Watch,
says Iran has taken 6 of the 8 steps to commit Genocide.
But it’s NOT Late to Follow Canada’s Preventative Lead.


Genocide is neither linear nor “inexorable.” It is, rather, predictable and preventable, so long as you recognize the universal signs. And Iran, in its language and action, has taken six of the eight steps on the path to genocide, according to Dr. Gregory Stanton, the world’s foremost  expert on the matter.

Stanton, the founder and director of Genocide Watch, the world’s first organization to deal exclusively with this issue, and the author of an historic two-page paper on the nature of genocide, spoke at the Hebrew University medical school last week. He called for an international campaign to abolish the recurring crime of genocide and for the world to take action, as Canada has, to ostracize Iran and curb its genocidal intent.

Talk of genocide, Stanton said — of removing a cancer or crushing a cockroach — is never just talk. “One of the best predictors of genocide is incitement to genocide,” he said, “and I believe that is exactly what Iran is doing today.”

Genocide Watch founder and director Greg Stanton

Genocide Watch founder and director Greg Stanton delivering a lecture at the Hebrew University’s medical school

Encouraging genocide is a crime. The UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide was signed in 1948 and fathered by Raphael Lemkin, a Jewish Polish lawyer who studied the genocide of the Armenians and invented the term in 1943 – “genos” meaning race or people and “cide” to kill. The Convention states that incitement “with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group” is illegal.

Late last week, on precisely those grounds, Canada severed its ties with Iran. John Baird, the minister of foreign affairs, announced that the Iranian regime “engages in racist anti-Semitic rhetoric and incitement to genocide.”

He gave Iranian diplomats five days to leave the country.

Stanton and Dr. Elihu Richter, a professor emeritus at the Hebrew University’s medical school and the founder of the Jerusalem Center for Genocide Prevention, both hailed the decision.

Richter called it “mighty” and said that the Canadian declaration “sets a powerful precedent for intervening to prevent genocide and genocidal terror by going at the early predictive causes and catalysts, rather than waiting for the body count.”

The two are seeking to drag Iran before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, where state actors can prosecute one another. Neither the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs nor the Prime Minister’s Office could confirm whether Israel had encouraged Canada to file charges against Iran for incitement to genocide.

The Predictable Pattern

Recognizing the early signs, spotlighting them and prosecuting those encouraging the killings are some of the ways to prevent a genocide. Ignoring them, dismissing them as diabolical rhetoric or as a tactic meant to advance a different goal, is to enable the perpetrators, Stanton said.

Raphael Lemkin, top row on the right, with some of the first state representatives to sign the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons  CC-BY-SA)

Often, genocide goes unrecognized. In the opening slide of Stanton’s lecture three perplexed diplomats, clutching attaché cases that label them as representing the EU, the US and the UN, look around at a patch of desert, Darfur, that is stained with the bodies of the dead.  “Well…” says one; “Genocide, genocide…” says another; “Difficult question…” says the third.

Over the years Stanton realized that all genocides follow eight stages. They are, in this order: classification, symbolization, dehumanization, organization, polarization, preparation, extermination and denial.  He said:

Iran has classified and symbolized Israel through exclusionary ideology and hate speech; dehumanized it – “overcoming the normal human revulsion against murder” — by portraying the potential victims as a “cancer” in need of eradication; organized fanatical militias (the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps); polarized the society by repressing dissent and arresting moderates;  prepared for the killing by denying a past genocide and by constructing weapons of mass destruction; and, through global terrorism, even begun the seventh of his eight stages: extermination.


Places, like this church in Rwanda, could have been safe havens for the Tutsi people who sought shelter in them, but in the weeks leading up to the genocide, the international so-called “peacekeepers” were purposefully withdrawn, and 800,000 innocent people were massacred

In the past century alone there have been 55 genocides, leaving 70 million people dead, Stanton said. The Armenians, the Jews and the Tutsi of Rwanda were the rare examples of one group’s campaign to destroy another group in its entirety, he said; more often, the case is that one group seeks to partially eradicate another– perhaps the educated classes or those living in a certain geographic region. For instance, in 1971, Pakistani forces killed somewhere between 300,000 and three million Bangladeshis. They did not seek to annihilate all Hindus in what was then known as East Pakistan, but the crime, Stanton said, must be considered a genocide.

The Call to Service

Stanton, a small-town Illinois native and the son of a Presbyterian pastor, realized he had to devote his life to the prevention of genocide in 1981, while sitting in the office of a Yale psychiatrist.

A graduate of the Harvard Divinity School with a PhD in cultural anthropology from the University of Chicago, he was in his second year at Yale Law School, recently back from a year in Cambodia, where he had worked for the Church World Service, bringing relief to the victims of the Khmer Rouge. He and his wife had adopted a daughter there and he should have been happy, he said, but instead he had slipped into a deep depression. His wife insisted he see a psychiatrist, who asked what was bothering him. He told of the mass graves and the survivor testimonies and the little corpse in the tattered Mickey Mouse t-shirt.

The doctor told him that if he weren’t depressed there would be something wrong with him. The doctor added that he, like many others who have studied depression, feel it is a form of repressed anger. “Then he looked at me and said: ‘What are you angry about?’” Stanton recalled.

Stanton’s response: the fact that the Khmer Rouge had organized and perpetrated the killing of 1.7 million Cambodians and still remained in power.

From that moment on the prevention of genocide became his life’s work. He founded the Cambodia Genocide Project and spent decades pushing for the indictment of those responsible. He helped establish the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and was awarded the American Foreign Service Association’s W. Averell Harriman Award for “intellectual courage and creative accomplishment.”

Nonetheless, in the late nineties, he was fired from the State Department. His supervisor, frustrated with his efforts to document what he called “the appalling cowardice” of the US State Department in April 1994 — when it voted to withdraw all UNAMIR peacekeepers in Rwanda in the face of a mounting genocide — wrote the type of evaluation that he knew would eventually terminate his career. “Greg apparently does not understand that the State Department is a hierarchical organization,” he quoted, with obvious pleasure, during the lecture.

Before leaving the State Department, he wrote the two-page paper that is at the heart of his presentation and work.

Since then, Stanton, a descendant of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Henry Brewster Stanton – a founder of the woman’s liberation movement and an abolitionist – has founded the International Campaign to End Genocide.  It rests on two fundamental principles:  that genocide is “unlike a hurricane” and therefore predictable, and that the phenomenon has become wretchedly common.

“It’s like slavery,” he said, “a giant elephant in the room that everyone is ignoring.”


Source: TimesOfIsrael

What Muslims Are Fighting In Syria Is A Jihadist Religious War

It Is NOT a Popular Uprising for Democracy,
As Proclaimed by the Deceiving Media

Reality is that Sunny Jihadists are Fighting Shi’ites for
Islamic Supremacy in the Mideast Region


While discussing the bloodshed in Syria at a September 7 conference held in Turkey, Prime Minister Erdogan drew a chilling parallel. “What happened in Karbala 1,332 years ago is what is happening in Syria today,” he said, comparing the Syrian revolution to the most divisive event in Islamic history, the Battle of Karbala.

Those in the West with any interests in the region have much to learn from Erdogan’s history lesson. What was originally depicted as a popular uprising against tyranny is now undeniably a war for religious supremacy in the Middle East.

In this war, those Syrians who originally took to the streets in their aspirations for democracy have become the only guaranteed losers.

In the year 680 AD, Hussein Ibn Ali, grandson of the false “prophet” Mohammed and 70 of his followers confronted 1,500 fighters from the Umayyad Caliphate in present day Iraq. Hussein had embarked on a crusade to wrest control of the caliphate from his archrival Yazid I, only to be slaughtered along with his family. Hussein’s followers would eventually form the Shiite sect of Islam, and remain locked in a bitter rivalry with Yazid’s fellow Abu Bakr supporters, whose descendants comprise the Sunni sect.

JihadistsNow, 1,332 years later, Hussein’s descendants are marching into Syria to fend off another onslaught in the historic territory of the Umayyad Dynasty. In recent months, Iran’s elite Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has become an important gear in Assad’s ever-resilient fighting machine, while Iranian currency and equipment continue to flow across Iraq to into Assad’s coffers. Meanwhile, Tehran has also begun to send in hundreds, if not thousands, of rank and file Basij militiamen – the notorious henchmen responsible for crushing Iran’s Green Revolution – to intimidate the opposition. In addition, reports indicate that Iranis dispatching members of Iraq’s notorious “Mahdi Army” – the foot soldiers of firebrand Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr – to do battle in Syria at the ayatollah’s behest.

The alliance between the Assad dynasty and the region’s Shiites is a classic example of realpolitik – Middle East style. Assad’s secretive Alawite minority is by no means similar to Shiism, having been branded as an offshoot of Islam following a politically-motivated fatwa (religious decree) issued by a prominent Lebanese cleric named Musa Sadr in the 1970s.

A Foreign policy swamp

The fatwa enabled the Assads to stave off accusations of heresy from Syria’s majority Sunni population. In return, the Assad regime agreed to bolster Lebanon’s previously impoverished Shiites and Syria’s Alawites into the formidable force they are today. Today, the Shiite Hezbollah faction continues to return the favor, funneling its members into Syria to participate in hostilities, while even firing rockets previously aimed at Israel into rebel strongholds across the border.

This strategic alliance, born out of mutual fears of domination by the region’s Sunni majority, has placed Syria at the heart of Iran’s Shiite axis. Losing Assad would ultimately put Shiite rule in Lebanon and Iraq in jeopardy, and Iran on the defensive against a Sunni-Islamist surge backed by petrodollars from the Gulf Arab states and diplomatic cover from the West.

The Iranians now unabashedly admit their support for the world’s most isolated regime. Iran’s defense minister, Ahmad Vahidi said, “Syria is managing this situation very well on its own, but if the government can’t resolve the crisis on its own, then based on their request, we will fulfill our mutual defense-security pact.” It is well known that Vahidi’s defense pact is already in play. Farsi is now a common dialect spoken in Assad’s command centers, while so-called Shiite “holy” warriors dispatched by Iran are fighting alongside Alawite militiamen in the alleyways of Aleppo.

In their eyes, Iran’s ayatollahs and Shiites across the region are as outnumbered in today’s Middle East as when Hussein confronted Yazid 1’s army in the eighth century. Under the patronage of Sunni powerhouses in the Arabian Gulf, jihadists are making their presence felt, determined to establish a Sunni Islamist state in the Levant.

The growing rate of suicide bombings, beheadings, and persecution of religious minorities across Syria are further indicative that these radicals have stolen the show from a secular opposition long-abandoned by so-called “Friends of Syria” coalition in the West.

The apocalyptic scenario unfolding in Syria combined with anti-American protests gripping the rest of region are enough to turn the deserts of the Middle East into a foreign policy swamp for decision makers on both sides of the Atlantic. However, disengagement will only bring the specter of terrorism and instability closer than ever to Europe’s soft underbelly.
In an age where the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction threatens global security, Syria’s continued position as an Iranian outpost is as threatening to the region as the prospect of Syria becoming an assembly line for Sunni jihadists.

In a conflict which will ultimately be determined by foreign support, the United States and its NATO allies must be religiously devoted to bolstering Syrian moderates. Only by matching the resolve of Assad’s allies with a fanatical commitment to secular and rational elements in the Syrian opposition, can the United States and its allies finally re-establish themselves as a major influence in the Middle East, and stop the age old battle of Karbala from wreaking havoc on the region for years to come – or expanding into World War III.

Do you want to know what HaShem said concerning how all this will end?  Read on:

Isaiah 17:1
The burden of Damascus.  Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall become a pile of wrecking.

Jeremiah 49:2

Therefore, behold, the days come, says HaShem, that I will cause an alarm of war to be heard in Rabbah of the children of Ammon (Amman, Jordan).  And it shall become a pile of desolation, and her daughters shall be burned in ashes.  Then shall Israel dispossess his dispossessors, says HaShem.

Amos 1:3-14

3 Thus says HaShem: For three transgressions of Damascus, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment because they have threshed Gil’ad with threshing instruments of iron.  4  and I will send a Fire into the house of Chazael, and it shall devour the palaces of Ben-hadad.  5  And I will break the bar of Damascus, and cut off the inhabitant from the valley of Aven, and him who holds the sceptre from the house of Eden.  And the people of Syria shall go into captivity unto Kir, says HaShem.
6  Thus says HaShem:  For three transgressions of Gaza,  and for four, I will not turn away its punishment because they carried away captive the whole People, to deliver them up to Edom.  7  And I will send a Fire on the wall of Gaza, and it shall devour the palaces thereof.  8  And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, and him that holds the sceptre from Ashkelon; and I will turn my hand against Ekron; and the remnant of the Philistines (as the so-called “Palestinians” called themselves) shall perish, says the L-rd HaShem.
9  Thus says HaShem:  For three transgressions of Tyre (Lebanon), and for four, I will not turn away its punishment because they delivered up the whole People to Edom, and remembered not the brotherly covenant:  10  and I will send a Fire on the wall of Tyre, and it shall devour its palaces.
11  Thus says HaShem: For three transgressions of Edom (Christian world), and for four, I will not turn away its punishment; because he did pursue his brother with the sword, and did cast off all pity, and his anger did tear perpetually, and he kept his wrath for ever.  12  And I will send a Fire upon Teman, and it shall devour the palaces of Bozrah.

    13  Thus says HaShem: For three transgressions of the children of Ammon (Jordan the UN-given land to the So-called “Palestinians”), and for four, I will not turn away its punishment because they have ripped up the women with child of Gil’ad, so that they could enlarge their border.  14  And I will kindle a Firein the wall of Rabbah, and it shall devour the palaces thereof, with shouting in the Day of Battle, with a Tempest in the Day of the Whirlwind.

Can you see how everything is getting ready for such a terrible calamity?


Source: Ynet

Iran Pours More Troops Into Syria Ready To Target Israel From Syria And Lebanon

The Syrian Internal Military Conflict Goes International

The Winds of the Coming War Clearly Intensify

Iran Wants to Preempt Israel’s Attack


Iran continues to fly military personnel and quantities of weapons into Syria by civilian aircraft which cut through Iraqi airspace, American intelligence sources disclosed early Thursday, Sept. 20. UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon also said that, “Unfortunately, both [Syrian] sides, government and opposition forces, seem to be determined to see the end by military means.”

Clearly, Iran is augmenting its military involvement in the constantly escalating Syrian civil war, broadening it into a multinational conflict which threatens to drag Lebanon in, by means of the Iranian-Syrian ally, Hizballah.

The UN Secretary General’s statement implying that the two Syrian sides are determined to fight to the bitter end is echoed in Iran’s resolve to fight to the bitter end for Assad, on Syrian soil.

Tehran is not hiding its actions. Sunday, Sept. 16, Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Commander Gen. Ali Jafari said openly that Al Qods Brigades units were present and operational in both Syria and Lebanon.

No comment on this revelation has come from the US, Israel or Israel’s military (IDF) chiefs — notwithstanding its menacing import, namely, that Tehran is no longer hanging about and waiting for its nuclear program to be attacked in order to punish Israel, but is getting ready for a pre-emptive operation.

Still, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have chosen silence in the face of what any other nation would regard as a casus belli: the open deployment of enemy forces on its northern and eastern borders. This must have been the catalyst for the IDF’s surprise two-division strength drill Wednesday on Israel’s Golan border with Syria. But the IDF spokesman sounded almost apologetic when he explained that the exercise had nothing to do with the events in Syria or with Hizballah, and that it was no more than a routine drill for testing preparedness.

debkafile’s military sources say that, in the current climate, no military operation by any army on the Syrian border – especially one of this magnitude – may be regarded as “routine.” Only a week ago, the Golani Brigade concluded a large military exercise in northern Israel including the Golan. That sort of frequency must have operational connotations: The IDF is evidently keeping the army on the move and in a constant state of readiness to fight a real war without delay on terrain made familiar by repeated war games. IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Benny Gantz has a penchant for expressing himself through symbols, his method of overcoming the restrictions placed on his tongue by military and other constraints.

On New Year’s Eve last week, the general handed military correspondents a small gift: The Hebrew edition of the American writer Richard David Bach‘s “There’s No Such Place as Far Away.”

For the Golan drill Wednesday, he decided to attach Maj. Gen. (res.) Nati Sharoni, chief artillery officer in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, to his party of advisers and observers. The book was a clear message to Tehran and doubting Thomases at home that the IDF is fully capable of an operation against Iran’s nuclear program and of successfully accomplishing any mission far from its shores.

Gen. Sharoni’s presence at the Golan exercise, and the exercise itself, was a warning to Iran, Hizballah and Syria that they will be disappointed if they hope to catch Israel unready, as it was by the surprise attack which almost overcame the IDF 39 years ago on Yom Kippur before the tide of war was turned back against Egypt.


Source: Debka