America Is About To Betray Israel


America’s Coming Betrayal Of Israel
And HaShem’s Consequential Judgment On The US

Could this Betrayal Come Out Of The New US–Israeli Deal on Iran,
in Which Obama “Pledges” a 2013 Spring Attack on Iran … But Only
If Israel Does Not Attack Iran Before the American Elections?

No, This Is No Time To Be Afraid
Just To Be Alert and Make Tshuvah (Repentance)

By Ya’akov Peretz
Be’er Sheva – August, 2012


To Heed Or Not Heed, That Is The Real Question

Before we get into the subject matter that the title of this page point to, I shall address some basic issues.

Without a doubt, the attack and the betrayal which cause more damage are the ones not expected, or the one that have been foolishly disregarded. We Jews, more than anyone else, should be very aware by now that if we ignore persistent threats and signs of enmity — even the initial ones — we shall endure inescapable heavy personal and collective consequences not too long down the road. It is because of this that some of us are “sounding the shofar” in websites like this, as it is said:

Ezekiel 33.3
If when he [a sentinel] sees ha’cherev (the sword) coming upon HaAretz (The Land), he blows ha’shofar (the horn) and warns HaAm (The People).

A Shomer Blows His Shofar

A Shomer Blows His Shofar

Now, if we see and recognize a danger, but for whatever reason we do not alert those around us when we can, the Almighty Judge of Heaven, blessed be his Holy Name, may find us to be as guilty of their demise as of the very enemies who caused it with their deceitful betrayals and violent attacks. After all, cowardice, wishful thinking, irresponsible lassitude and willful ignorance are not grounds for an excuse in HaShem’s Majestic Court.

Ezekiel 33.4-6
Then, whoever hears the sound of the shofar and does not pay attention, if the cherev comes and takes him away, his dahm (blood) shall be upon his own rosh (head). He heard the sound of the shofar and did not take caution, his dahm shall be upon himself. But he that takes caution shall save his nefesh (soul). But if ha’tsofeh (sentinel) sees the cherev coming and does not blow the shofar and HaAm is not warned, if the cherev comes and takes any nefesh from among them he is taken away in his avon (iniquity); but `his dahm I will demand [an accounting] from ha’yad ha’tsofeh (the hand of the sentinel).

Yishmaelim Enemies of Israel


Our Nevi’im (Prophets) received direct Revelations from HaShem concerning the spiritual condition of Am Yisrael (People of Israel) in those long gone days of old; but no only that, He always had them predict what would be the harsh consequences if they would not mend their ways in front of Him. Of course, He always made mention as well as of the Blessings that would follow if they would make Tshuvah – chief among these Blessings is the one of His supernatural Protection against our multiple ever-present enemies. But there is more, much more.

Prophecy comes from HaShamayim (Heaven), which is in an alternate Dimension our of our universe. This is a strict spiritual Realm with radically different “natural” Laws and “time-space continuum” Patterns to the ones we are so used to on earth. Therefore, looking at earthly things from that lofty Abode of the Almighty Creator of the Universe, B”H, renders a perspective radically different from the observation obtained in our three dimensionally limited realm of matter, space and time.

Impossible as it is for us to visualize, in HaShamayim past present and future are one and the same. This is the reason why in Prophecy sometimes we find a “strange” use of intermingling terms of different times applied to the same event. For example, one moment the future tense is used, and even though still is the same issue being addressed the past or present tense are immediately invoked leaving the reader somewhat baffled. But that is not all, one Prophecy may overlap one or more future targets in time. It is because of this that we find that the Prophecy against Babylon as found in Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) chapter 51 — among other places in Tanakh, sometimes under different names like Tyre and Egypt — describes a destruction which at the moment of being uttered by the Prophet was yet to occur, but that now it is already in the far past. But the same Prophecy describes at the same time another destruction, one of another “Babylon” that was so far into the future of the Prophet that still did not even exist. This other future power aptly called at times the “Daughter of Babylon” — since it inherits the characteristics of the first — is the one that should concern us all nowadays because, according to the description given by the Prophet, it is very much part of our daily existence … and our immediate future.


Babylon? Which Babylon?

Tower of BabelStatue of Liberty/Hera


The description given in Jeremiah 51 does not leave any doubt that the Babylon of the far future the Navi (Prophet) was referring to is the United States of America as the reincarnated Babylon of old. For example Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) says for the End of Days that,

Jeremiah 51.7
Bavel (Babylon) has been a Kos Zahav (Cup of Gold) in HaYad HaShem (the Hand of HaShem), that made kol Ha’Aretz (all The Land, i.e. Israel) drunken. The Goyim (non-Jews) drank of her yayin (water), therefore the Goyim go mad.

Doesn’t everyone in the whole world want to imitate America these days? Even her worst enemies are blinded by her beauty and power! But reality is that not everything in America is so wonderful after all: drug addiction as a widespread form of recreation and business, rampant sexual (and other forms) of immorality, exuberant homosexuality, uncontrollable rapes, flippant divorces, abortionism as a main tenet of feminist philosophy, unparalleled rate of violence, thousands of children disappeared every year, highest rate of homicides in the world, incalculable number of burglaries and assaults per year, and other felonies. And like if that was not enough: Blind arrogance and egotism, deep-rooted elitism, cruel selfishness, pervading materialism, and many more horrific traits that when all are put together in one nation at the same time renders the most dismal of societal pictures. But even worse than that is the fact that the American culture has deeply penetrated all the human strata around the world by means of the corrupting insidiousness of Hollywood, assisted by other modern forms of mass media, and thus it has gotten practically everyone in the world to “dance to the perverted American tune.” It is in this way that the social and spiritual Seal of America has been firmly imprinted in one way or another upon the forehead of every human being on the planet. So we can see that most Goyim have gone crazy with her poisoned water and — to complicate matters even more — most Jews are dead drunk with her sweet but rotten wine. This has occurred not only in Galut (outside of Israel) but even in Israel! Yes, America is Babylon all right. Let me give you just another example:

Jeremiah 51.53
“Though Bavel should ascend up to shamayim (the sky), and though she would fortify her stronghold in the heights, yet plunderers shall come unto her from Me,” says HaShem.

Space Warfare

Isn’t that clear enough? How many military satellites and other artifacts has America high in space as her main stronghold? Did ancient Babylon have them? Certainly not. Then what is this Babylon that the Navi (Prophet) was talking about? Without a doubt, America is the greatest human power in space — ever!

Oh, how attractive is America to our natural senses! But don’t they betray us many times?

The Statue of Liberty and Manhattan Skyline
Money, the true American godWall Street hurts everyone but the 'untoucheable' elite
America is like Disneyworld, a phantasyThe Statue of Liberty and Manhattan SkylineThe Statue of Liberty and Manhattan Skyline
Bringing her might to the heightsThe voracious PentagonMarines, the invading MercenariesSince its birth, America has been occupying everywhere
A 'Dream' created by the deceiving corporate media


America Is Against Israel  =  God Is Against America

The following is the Indictment against America in the Court of Heaven:

Jeremiah 51.34-35
Nevuchadretzar Melech Bavel (Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon) has devoured me. He has crushed me, he has made me an empty vessel. He has swallowed me up like Tanin (a Dragon, a crocodile). He has filled his belly with my pleasures and he has vomited me out. “The chamas (violence) done to me and to my flesh be upon Bavel,” the inhabitant of Tsiyon (Zion) shall say. “My dahm (blood) be upon the inhabitants of Kasdim (Chaldea),” Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) shall say.

And from there arises the just consequence:

Jeremiah 51.49
Bavel must fall because of the slain of Yisrael just as the slain of kol ha’aretz (all the earth) have fallen because of Bavel.

What will America do so grave against Israel that shall accrue such a terrible Punishment from HaShem? Observe the following pasukim (verses):

Jeremiah 51.36
Therefore, thus says HaShem: “Hineini (here I am), I will defend your cause [Israel’s cause] and I will take vengeance for you. And I will dry up her yam (sea) and make her makor (spring) dry.”

In the same way that HaShem took fierce vengeance on our account from the evil Pharaoh of Egypt, and his cruel population, so will HaShem do the same — and even worse — with the last leader, and demoralized people of the Last Babylon, as it says,

Jeremiah 51.37
And Bavel became ruins, ma’on tanim (a habitation for dragons), shamah (a desolation) v’sherekah (and derision), ein iyashav (there is a no seat, or judge).


And the Prophecy proceeds to detail,

Jeremiah 51.41-44
How is Sheshach [another name for Babylon] taken! And how is ha’tehillat kol ha’aretz (the praise of the whole earth) seized! How Bavel has become a horror to behold among the Goyim! Ha’yam (sea, ocean) will arise over Bavel. She is covered with the agitation of its waves. Her cities are a horror to behold, a barren land, and an aravah (desert), a land in which no ish (man) dwells, neither any ben adam (human being) passes by. And I will punish Bel [the god of Babylon] in Bavel, and I will bring out of his mouth all that which he has swallowed down. And the Goyim shall not stream together unto him any more. Indeed, the chomat Bavel (the strong wall of Babylon) shall fall.

Sinking America

To me, the above pasukim constitute the most terrifying description of what is yet to come upon America. It gives me goosebumps every time I read it because there are many people over there that I love so much and, of course, there are many nice people who I do not know; but even the best can not but to be influenced by the corruption all around them. I certainly do not like what America has become — not that it was ever the perfect paradise that Americans like to think it was — but I am far from wishing such a tremendous Judgment upon her. I say this because some people wrongly think that when one warns of some upcoming disaster it is because one wills it — far from it, just the opposite. But independent of what humans wish, accept or agree with, HaShem is the only Perfect Judge of History and He shall follow his best Verdict in this like in any other respect.

In the following pasukim we get an even clearer idea of what is to happen.

Jeremiah 51.52-57
“Wherefore, hinei (lo), the Days are coming,” says HaShem, “that I will visit [with Punishment] her pesalim (graven images), and throughout all her land the wounded shall groan. Though Bavel should ascend to shamayim (the sky), and though she should fortify her stronghold in the heights, yet plunderers shall come unto her from Me,” says HaShem. A sound of a cry comes from Bavel, and shever gadol (a great destruction) from eretz Kasdim (land of the Chaldeans) because HaShem has plundered Bavel and silenced her kol gadol (great voice) when her waves roar like mayim rabbim (great waters), the sound of her roaring resounds, because the plunderer has come upon her, upon Bavel, and her gibborim (powerful ones) are taken. Every one of their keshatot (bows) is broken because El Gemulot HaShem (Hashem the G-d of Recompenses) shall surely repay. And I will make her shikor (drunk) sarim (princes or leaders) and her chachamim (people of great knowledge), her pachot (rulers), and her seganim (officials), and her gibborim (powerful ones), and they shall sleep a shenat olam (eternal sleep) and never awake,” says HaMelech HaShem Tzva’ot Shmo (Whose Name is The King HaShem).


In view of such a coming destruction HaShem advises all the Jews living in the Last Babylon to get out of her as soon as then can so they should not have to share on the Punishment which is to fall upon her, as it says:

Jeremiah 51.6
Flee out of the midst of Bavel, and deliver every ish (man) his nefesh (soul). Do not be slain because of her avon (evil), because this is the Time of HaShem’s Nekamah (Vengeance). He will reciprocate unto her a payment.

In since HaShem is so concerned about American Jews making Aliyah (going up, which is moving to Israel), He repeats the Warning and explains why:

Jeremiah 51.45
Ami (My People), come out of the midst of her, and let every ish (man) save his nefesh (soul) from the charon (Fury) of Hashem.

And yet again it says,

Jeremiah 51.50
You who have escaped the cherev (sword — i.e. in the Shoah or Holocaust), leave! Do not stand still. Remember HaShem from far away, and let Yerushalayim come into your heart.


Dear American Jews, the time is rapidly running out; we can hear it constantly in the news. Don’t exchange your life for money and comfort because you will soon lose them both there. And by the way, to the Jews in other areas of Galut: Redemption comes with a great cost for all humanity, do not think that Judgment is to fall only upon America. Yes, in Israel will have our portion of chaos, war, pain and even death; but here we have a special Protection that does not operate in Galut.

America’s Possible Betrayal of Israel In Our Near Future


The news came last week, on August 18, in an article of DebkaFile titled “US-Israeli deal on Iran? No Israeli strike now if Obama pledged a spring attack.” It said that,

“The White House this week scrambled to reconnect with Jerusalem after the Obama administration was persuaded that Israel was serious about conducting a fall military operation against Iran’s nuclear program before the Nov. 6 US presidential election — notwithstanding the heavy opposition guns firing against it at home and from Washington. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, assisted by their newly appointed Home Front Defense Minister, were seen deep in practical preparations for this operation and its repercussions, as well an outbreak of hostilities with Syria and Hizballah.

“The White House accordingly got in touch with Netanyahu’s office to find out what America must do to convince Israel to back off.

“Wednesday, Aug.15, DEBKAfile revealed exclusively that the Obama and Netanyahu were discussing a one-on-one encounter on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session opening in New York on Sept. 18 in order to resume their military and strategic dialog on the Iranian issue broken off by their polar differences.

“DEBKAfile now learns that those discussions have moved forward. Handled by National Security Adviser Tom Donilon for the US president and senior adviser Ron Dermer for the prime minister, they focus essentially on a four-point plan embodying Israel’s requirements for delaying an attack.

  1. President Obama will formally inform the two houses of congress in writing that he plans to use military force to prevent Iran from arming itself with a nuclear weapon. He will request their endorsement. Aside from this step’s powerful deterrent weight for persuading Iran’s leaders to give up their pursuit of a nuclear bomb, it would also give the US president the freedom to go to war with Iran when he sees fit, without have to seek congressional endorsement.
  2. To underscore his commitment, President Obama would pay a visit to Israel in the weeks leading up to election-day and deliver a speech to the Knesset solemnly pledging to use American military force against the Islamic Republic if Tehran still refuses to give up its nuclear weapon program. He will repeat that pledge before various other public forums.
  3. In the coming months up until Spring 2013, the United States will upgrade Israel’s military, intelligence and technological capabilities so that if President Obama (whether he is reelected or replaced by Mitt Romney) decides to back out of this commitment, Israel will by then be in command of the resources necessary for inflicting mortal damage on Iran’s nuclear program with a unilateral strike. DEBKAfile’s military sources note that an influx of these top-grade US military resources would bridge the gap between American and Israeli ticking clocks for an attack on Iran, and dispel the fear in Jerusalem that delay would give Iran time to bury its key facilities in “zones of immunity” — outside Israel’s reach for serious damage with its present capabilities.
  4. If points 1-3 can be covered – and if Netanyahu and Barak are convinced the US really means to strike Irannext spring — our Washington and Jerusalem sources report that Jerusalem may be coming around to agreeing to hold back a lone Israeli attack this autumn.

“Those sources report that President Obama has not rejected the plan. Donilon was told to keep on talking to Netanyahu and Barak.”

This is not a page about Barak Obama, so I’ll just say in passing that he has come out being by far the biggest liar in the history of filthy American politicians, which is a whole lot to say but completely proven. Not only that, he in innumerable occasions has proven with many evidences that he is a hater of Israel, and a staunch lover of Arabs and Islam — which, most probably, is his true and hidden religion. (Another day I shall deal with this in detail). So, are we now supposed to believe that he will attack Iran next spring, when he will probably will not be the president of America any longer? Or if he is elected, or forced in by hook or crook, will he comply with his “telepromptic” word once he does not need any more the American Jewish vote and money, and he does not have to play games to be reelected any more? I don’t think so. And any sane Jew should not believe it under any circumstance.

Obama, Treasonous by Religion, Decision and Training

If the Israeli government swallows such a clear deception, we shall have given Iran the necessary time not only to advance beyond the point of not return for their malignant nuclear program, but they shall have enough time so as to ensure that an attack on their installations would be practically futile. And that is precisely what Obama and all the anti-Zionists (read anti-Semites) of the world are hoping for. Therefore, if the Netanyahu government goes with it, the Prophecy of Gog uMagog divulged by Yehezkel (Ezekiel) in his chapters 38 and 39 shall become a world-wide devastating reality.

This very well could be the betrayal that would cause much Jewish blood in Israel and that HaShem demands from all of America. But why “all of America”? Because it was the people of America that foolishly elected a man who should NEVER have been its president. Countries get the government that they deserve. So what does that tell of America on account of having Obama as president?

In the same way we shall see what we deserve in Israel, because Netanyahu has to make a decision that could be suicidal if he believes the ruse of Obama and those who, although being Jewish, push his destructive policies.

Israeli Government
Netanyahu and Barack need to consider our Reality


The world is living moments of high tension reminiscent of those previous to WWII. What turn will it take? We shall continue observing and commenting about his unsavory reality in the news.


